  • 學位論文


Migrating Amis and their Music: A Case Study of Suming and Shijhou Village

指導教授 : 陳俊斌


我從既有的原住民音樂文獻裡,觀察到多數研究較著重於傳統面項,較少著墨當代議題,形成「前現代」與「現代」上的衝突。而這兩者的衝突,來自於「人」與「聲音」的流動。因此,本文轉化了Schafer(1994)及Appadurai(1996)的觀點,涉及了音樂學與社會學,採開放式訪談和文獻分析等方法,企圖從中探討全球流動文化下受媒體文化改變的當代阿美族音樂,以及阿美族人的離散,並以舒米恩(Suming)與溪洲部落為例。 居住在新北市新店溪河畔的溪洲部落族人們,多為花東地區的阿美族為主。因為原鄉經濟條件因素而遷徙至臺北。族人們於1970年代起定居於新店溪河畔,離散過程為「原鄉-都市-都市」。在他們的音樂生活裡,受到卡拉OK、電視和廣播等媒體影響,透過不同的音樂載體,族人們形塑出對過往的緬懷與認同。又,透過三個文化層級和部落象徵物來塑造部落主體性外,也表達出了「家」的重要性。此外,豐年祭儀的歌謠,更凸顯了族人們對於溪洲部落或泛阿美族的認同。 來自都蘭部落的Suming,離散過程為「原鄉-都市-原鄉」。在圖騰樂團時期,他開始以自身文化創作歌曲。單飛後,Suming透過K-POP、西方古典樂器等編制,融合在他的族語歌曲中。在分析音樂文本和文獻後,我認為Suming透過外來音樂元素結合阿美族音樂元素,以多元的原住民性表達自身認同。又,他對於溪洲部落和三鶯部落的主動關懷,顯示了泛阿美族與泛原住民的認同。 Suming和溪洲部落族人們,分別屬於流動文化裡的「音樂」和「人群」。Schafer(1994)曾提出Schizophonia的概念,說明錄音技術產生聲音的裂解性。我在此轉化並運用在Suming的音樂作品中。另,我把Appadurai(1996)對於全球化提出的「流動」(flow)概念,運用在溪洲部落族人們離散過程。透過上述的觀點,讓我觀察到「當代原住民音樂的能動性」與「多重音樂的認同」。


From the exsiting literatures, I observed that lots of articles more emphasized intraditional aspect, rather than contemporary issues, which became the conflict between‘pre-modern’ and ‘modern’. However, the head of this situation, is from the flow of ‘human’and ‘sounds’. In the easy, I use open-structure interview, literature review and other methods, involved musicology and sociology, then transform Schafer’s (1994) Schizophnia andAppadurai’s ‘flow’(1996) concepts, in current glabol flow situationto figure out how is the media culture change contemporary Aboriginal and the migration of Amis Aboriginal, and also as Suming•Rupi and Shijhou village as my research objects.   The members in Shijhou village, who live belong to Xindian River (in Xinbei city), are most come from East area, they left homeland due to the poor economic condition. The members settle down in Xindian River area in 1970s, their diaospara process is ‘homeland-city - city.’ Their musical life influenced by karaoke, TV, and procast ect., through the differently media, they contributed identification and the memories of past. On the other hands, they explained the importance to ‘home’, by use of three culture stratums and symbols. Besides, the songs of harvest ceremony, is maked member to village or pan-Amis identity out.   Suming came from A’tolan, his migrating process is ‘homeland - city - homland ’. In Totem era, he began use own culture as songs features. After Totem, he used Korean popular music elements and western music intruments in his Amis language songs. I analysised his music and literature, and argued that he combined with foreign music elements and Amis music elemenets, to show his self identity. Also, he care of Shijhou village and San-Ying village,that played a pan-Amis and pan-Aboriginal indentification.


