  • 學位論文

韓國伽倻琴散調探究 ─ 兼論“崔玉山流”的形成與風格

A Research on Korean Kayagŭm Sanjo: The Development and Style of Choi Ok-Sam School

指導教授 : 顏綠芬


韓國傳統音樂分為正樂與民俗樂二種,正樂乃是宮廷中所演奏的音樂,如同中國唐代時的宮廷雅樂;民俗樂則是在民間傳唱的音樂,包含了聲樂曲與器樂曲,而民俗器樂曲中的「散調」,為韓國傳統音樂中非常具有特色的音樂,屬於傳統樂器的獨奏曲。很多樂器如玄鶴伽倻琴、伽倻琴、奚琴、大岑等,都能演奏散調。散調是屬於較自由的曲式,所以在段落間也可自由地增加或減少,隨興地插入樂段,是戲劇張力極高的一種民族音樂。其中,由伽倻琴所彈奏的伽倻琴散調流傳最廣,無論在旋律、節奏與情感的轉折,或音樂內蘊的變化與美感,都堪稱散調音樂的典型代表,也豐富了傳統音樂的多樣性。伽倻琴散調自1890年金昌祖 (1856-1919) 創始了其演奏樣式之後,多位伽倻琴名家也發展了諸多流派,其中由伽倻琴名人崔玉山所創制的「崔玉山流伽倻琴散調」,是當中具有代表性的流派之一。本文從韓國的傳統音樂歷史與伽倻琴的起源談起,除了論及伽倻琴的歷史與樂器型制,並探討伽倻琴散調演奏流派的形成與特色之外,另從崔玉山流的創制者崔玉山 (1905-1956) 與其傳人咸金德 (1917-1994) 的生命歷程出發,探討崔玉山流伽倻琴散調Tasǔrǔm、Chinyangjo的音樂特質。


Abstract Korean traditional music includes both the court and folk music styles. Court music, which is similar to “yayue” in Tan Dynasty, is played at imperial courts; while folk music, containing vocal and instrumental music, is wide-spreading among the popular folks. “Sanjo”, a solo genre and a kind of folk music with particular characteristics, is performed by traditional instruments, such as sanjo kayagŭm (twelve-stringed zither), kayagŭm, haegeum (two-stringed bowed instrument), daegeum (bamboo flute) and so on. A sanjo is quite technically brilliant and flexible for improvisations. Therefore, performers can spontaneously create melodies within a prescribed form. Among them, the most popular kayagŭm sanjo, enriches the traditional music with its melody, rhythm, emotional twists, and esthetic presentation. Accordingly, it has become a representative of sanjo. The genre of kayagŭm sanjo was first developed by Kim Chang-Jo in 1890. Afterwards, lots of kayagŭm instrumentalists established various schools, in which Choi Ok-Sam school is quite typical. This research begins with the history of Korean traditional music and the origin of kayagŭm. Besides, it examines not only the history and kayagŭm organology, but also the characteristics and development of kayagŭm sanjo school. Moreover, it traces the step of life of Choi Ok-Sam (1905-1956) and his disciple Ham Kim-Deok (1917-1994), exploring the music characteristics of Tasǔrǔm and Chinyangjo of Choi Ok-Sam school.


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