  • 學位論文


“Light and Meet by Phone” - The Application and Study of Pinch in Smart Phone Netart

指導教授 : 許素朱


手機App的各種運用正潛移默化地改變我們的生活習慣與情感表達。網路社群的興起,特有的「打卡」分享與交流的文化正流行著且儼然已成為大家日常生活的一部分。科技的進步帶給人們生活上的便利,虛擬的通訊世界讓大家交流變得快速,但真實世界人與人的情感距離卻越來越遠,情感交流的緊密與豐富性卻因之而貧乏。這正是本論文想關注的議題-大家使用手機卻不見面。本論文提出“「光,相見,因手機」-手機跨螢幕於網路藝術應用與研究”的主題,嘗試探索我們在追求手機工具的精進與便利性的同時莫忘「人與人真實情感溝通」的重要。 在這主題,本人提出〈我們見面,因手機〉與〈光,因我們相見〉兩件雲端廣域網路行動藝術作品,並使用手機跨螢幕的互動形式來進行人與人之間真實情感的溝通。〈我們見面,因手機〉作品是結合網路社群,讓參與者以遊戲式的手機互動,並以逆向思維方式讓參與者使用手機就是要「見面」,再把見面結果在Google Map上打卡。在技術方面共完成了四個模組(拍照、跨螢幕pinch、相見配對、Google Map打卡等模組)的開發,這是台灣少見成功運用手機跨螢幕技術作為網路行動藝術用來增加彼此情感的表現手法。〈光,因我們相見〉是物聯網裝置藝術作品,主要延續〈我們見面,因手機〉作品,再增加物聯網webduino模組,同樣讓參與者使用手機進行「相見」,然後再把見面後的訊息即時傳遞至真實環境場域並觸發裝置藝術燈發亮,裝置藝術燈「光」亮起,則象徵參與者真實「相見」,燈光顏色並反應參與者彼此的關係。 兩件作品由人與人先相見,再進而做Google Map上打卡與透過物聯網讓藝術燈發亮的智慧手機應用,可在anytime與anywhere進行跨媒介行動,形成「大家一起來」的共同創作模式,成就了「因手機,我們相見」再進而「因我們相見,而發光」,最終達成本論文「光,相見,因手機」的主旨與意涵。


The various ways in which we use smartphone apps have imperceptibly changed our habits and the ways we express our feelings. The unique check-in feature and the sharing and exchange culture of social media is currently so popular that it has become a part of most people’s daily lives. Technological advances have made our lives more convenient, and the virtual world of communication has enabled everyone to interact at high speed. However, in the real world, the emotional distance among people is growing, and there is a lack of intimacy and deep emotional attachment among people. This thesis focuses on the issue - people who communicate via their phones but do not meet in real life. In addition, we developed the application of and research on “Light and Meet by Phone,” a smartphone cross-screen social network art concept, to explore our pursuit of the sophistication and convenience of using our phones while keeping in mind the importance of “the real emotional connection between people.” Within the thesis topic, I proposed two cloud WAN mobile artworks, “Meet by Phone” and “Light by Our Meet,” and used the interactive cross-screen format to enable real communication between people. “Meet by Phone” combines social media, allowing the participants to interact using a gaming format, with a reverse psychology method that makes the participants using their phones want to “meet up” and check-in the results of the meeting on Google Maps. For this effect, four modules (photo taking, pinch, meet pairing, and Google Maps check-in) were developed. This is a rare successful application of the cross-screen technology in Taiwan for network mobile art used to improve the emotional connection between people. “Light by Our Meet” is an IOT installation art that is mainly an extension of “Meet by phone.” With the addition of the IOT webduino module, the participants can use their phones to “meet up,” the information about the meeting can then be transferred to the real environment instantly, and the lights on the installation art can be triggered to illuminate. This illumination of the installation art symbolizes a real-life meeting, and the color of the lights reflects the relationship between the participants. Both artworks rely on people meeting up, then using Google Maps to check-in, and thereby illuminating the artwork using the IOT technology on their smartphones. Pinch operation can be performed anytime and anywhere, forming the collaborative creation model of “Everybody Come Together,” then enabling “Meet by Phone” and “Light by Our Meet,” and finally accomplishing the main goal of the thesis, “Light and Meet by Phone.”


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