金門人文蒼萃,傳統建築承襲了閩南建築樣式的藝術精華,由於特殊的地理 位置和文化、社經發展因素,在傳統建築保存的質與量上,皆提供了豐富的研究 資源。 目前無論是早期文獻資料,抑或與金門相關的研究,對脊墜的圖像意涵、圖 像結構和精神象徵之描述著墨不多。本文主要藉由田野調查,用圖像學研究方式 統計、分析整理後,對金門脊墜裝飾圖案的形態、結構特色、作用與現況,做一 初步的記錄、分析和討論,進而瞭解金門脊墜裝飾獨特的圖像元素、地域差異、 吉祥語意和生活中隱含的文化價值意義及精神層面意涵。另方面,亟欲建構民間 具有的審美觀與美的原則,希冀能提供未來脊墜細工技藝傳承,催響保存與修復 觀念,以及此類裝飾具有的藝術價值參考。
Although being isolated between Mainland China and Taiwan, Kim Moy Islands not only have been the stepping-stones of the Southern Chinese culture to Taiwan but also have captivated and localized such culture into its development, especially the custom of architecture. One of the most particular features in construction is the decorative patterns between the ridge pendant. In the past decade, rapid economic growth has modernized Kim Moy:new buildings have been erected or just under construction everywhere in the islands.Any of the traditional houses has been replaced by a modern building means some precious architectural decorations have been destroyed. And much worse is that most of the destroyed historic architectures were not recorded or remarked. This research, through filed study, explores the structure, the design, and the function of ridge pendant, and then analyzes their purposes and meanings,and eventually interprets their connotations culturally and spiritually. Furthermore, this study urges a systematic preservation of traditional ridge pendant and promotes the related necessary techniques for that purpose. Only through such efforts the precious historic ridge pendant in Kim Moy can be protected, preserved, and prevailed generation after generation.