  • 學位論文

電影劇本 《上流美》創作論述

A Critique Essay on the Film Script THE BEAUTY

指導教授 : 李道明
共同指導教授 : 易智言(Chi-Yen Yee)


《上流美》的劇情是描述一個急著想出名的模特兒周佳麗,當她知道狗仔好友正在跟拍富二代李謬時,立刻搭訕李謬讓自己入鏡,藉機炒熱知名度,沒想到李謬似乎對她有意思,讓她萌起了想嫁入豪門的念頭。但誰知道事實剛好相反。李謬只是把她當玩物。他最痛恨的就是拜金女,因為他的父親就是為了這種女人而和母親離婚,造成他揮之不去的陰影。於是李謬把佳麗當成報復父親的工具,利用跟她假的交往來對抗父親要他娶一個門當戶對的女孩。卻沒想到在這個過程中,自己也不快樂。有天他發現了佳麗傷心的往事,兩人逐漸打開心房,才了解彼此內心的傷疤,相惜之下產生情愫。只不過佳麗沒想到狗仔好友一直在偷拍著…,直至被李謬發現後讓他非常生氣。佳麗後悔萬分。她想盡全力去彌補,向李謬獻出最真誠的歉意。 《上流美》所要探討的主題是:真誠才能得到真愛。希望藉由這個主題反思現今拜金背後的社會意涵。其創作背景牽涉到八卦媒體以及名模風潮。本片的類型是愛情喜劇,會藉由兩部好萊塢經典愛情喜劇《麻雀變鳳凰》以及《第凡內早餐》做類型上與本片的比較分析。結構方面是以三幕劇的方法撰寫。主要研究方法是「深入訪談法」以及「文獻探討法」。最後再闡述整個劇本創作的發展歷程,然後是筆者對自己作品的檢討與建議。


模特兒 狗仔隊 愛情喜劇 跟拍


The plot of The Beauty involves an older model Chou Chia Li, who aspires to be a famous model. When she knows her best friend, a stalkerazzi, is stalking and taking pictures of Li Mui, an heir to a fortune, she immediately accosts him in order to be in the pictures and gain good publicity for herself. She never expected to make a good impression of herself on Li Mui. It makes her want to marry into money. But nothing comes out as was planned. Li Mui just regards her as a plaything. He hates material girls. His father divorces his mother because of this kind of girl which casts a shadow on his life. He takes revenge on his father by pretending to date Chia Li in order to revolt against his father, who wants Li Mui to marry a proper match. But Li Mui has felt unhappy during the few days. One day , he found Chia Li’s sad past. They opened their hearts gradually so they found out the scars in each other’s heart and they create sincere feeling toward each other. However, Chia Li’s best friend, a stalkerazzi, keeps shooting until he is discovered by Li Mui. He is very angry. Chia Li feels regret and she wants to try her best to make up for her mistakes. She shows her sincere apologizes to Li Mui. The theme of The Beauty is “honesty can get true love”. Hopefully, this screenplay would reflect the social meaning of such a theme in the age of mammonism. The background of the screenplay involves yellow journalism and the society’s adulation top models enjoyed. The genre of this film is romantic comedy. I will analyze and compare my script with two classical romantic comedies from Hollywood, Pretty Woman and Breakfast at Tiffany’s. The structure of the screenplay is divided into three acts. The research method used for conducting research before writing this script is “ in-depth interview ” and “ literature review”. Last but not least, I also describe my process in creating this screenplay and my own assessment on the outcome.


model stalkerazzi romantic comdy


