  • 學位論文


A Study of Surrealist Qualities in Paul Delvaux’s Paintings

指導教授 : 賴瑞鎣


本研究探討保羅•德爾沃(Paul Delvaux,1879-1994)將傳統古典歷史畫的語彙以非邏輯的語法呈現,即解構後重組的過程。其中將分別以其作品中各種繪畫元素如背景空間、建築、人物、物件等切入其作品主題,再深入分析其創作精神與心理狀態,並藉由此分析結果更進一步探討藝術家如何處理生命過程諸語境如情緒、生死、審美、理性和感性等人類從古至今未曾停止思考的課題。 在接觸超現實主義以後,德爾沃的繪畫目的不再是重現外部世界,描繪真實的形象,而是發掘自身心靈的內在層面,客觀現實只有在作為夢幻的場景時,才會引起他的興趣。在夢幻之中,產生了人物間彼此的奇特相遇於神廟、月光下、街上、公共廣場或是無家具的房間,在這些場景中,不斷出現的人物成為一種符號,尤其是年輕女性,她們年輕漂亮,裸體或著時裝。德爾沃的繪畫生涯都在追求接近這個理想人物,反映在作品造形中主要加入了神秘與詩的元素,且其中的美學對稱與視覺動感之間的微妙關係也造成了奇妙的不協調感。 德爾沃的繪畫是其理解世界不論清晰或模糊的強烈感受的出路,同時也是一扇窗,使觀者得以一探其想像世界。藉由呈現可認知的視覺元素再將意義問題化,他創造出「詩」的繪畫,提供一種奇觀,超越了時間和對真實的傳統理解,即超越了表象。此外,藉由改變傳統學院所教給觀者的觀畫方式,德爾沃得以帶給觀者一條更曲折迂迴、更引人入勝的道路,通往他提出的關於再現繪畫的本質以及以藝術表達人類欲望的深層問題。


戰間期 超現實主義 古代性 慾望


In the study, the author discusses the process in which Paul Delvaux (1879-1994) transferred the traditional vocabularies of classical history painting into non-logical compositions. Various pictorial elements in Delvaux’s paintings will be examined which include pictorial spaces, architectures, figures, objects and subjects. And by analyzing Delvaux’s motivations and mental status as an artist, the results are expected to link to the questions of emotions, life and death, sense and sensibility where mankind had never ceased to ask. After getting in touch with Surrealism, Delvaux had changed his artist objects in his works which were no longer focus on the reproducing of the external world, on the other hand, the most inner emotion in the spiritual world. Nevertheless, the representational way of expression in painting was still adopted by Delvaux in order to create dreamlike scenes. In these scenes, figures were met under the moonlight, in a temple, on the street, in a public square or in a room without any furniture which became different symbols and created a poetic atmosphere. Among those are the young women who are the most representative symbol that could reflect the ideal figure in Delvaux’s paintings and life. All these forms and its poetic atmosphere in Delvaux’s paintings create an inharmonious feeling whether in visual or metal aspects to the spectators. Delvaux’s paintings are windows for us to understand his complex world. By presenting recognizable visual elements and making those elements incomprehensible, he created the paintings of poetry which provide a spectacle that beyond time and an understanding of reality. Last but not least, Delvaux had also changed the traditional way of looking which gave us alternative paths of understanding the essence of a painting.


Interwar period Surrealism Antiquity Desire


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