  • 學位論文


A Study of Taoism Qingwei Sect Rite and Music in Taiwan

指導教授 : 呂錘寬


摘要   清微派盛行於宋元時期,由祖舒融合了上清、靈寶、道德、正一四派,創立了清微派。至元代末期,清微派開始向中國南北兩地傳播,往北的一支與全真派結合,稱為「武當清微派」;往南的一支仍稱為清微派。   臺灣的清微派為中國的南傳派系,據實地觀察訪問的結果,臺灣道教清微派主要分佈在臺灣北部地區,早先由王熥占(王元如)先生與其師吳兆東先生跟隨國民黨政府來台,在此落地生根,發揚清微派道法,故目前清微派道士皆為王元如(王熥占)先生之後輩。 清微派所從事的儀式有拔度、道場與法場科儀,儀式唱腔大致上可分為正曲類、吟詠類以及誦唱類三種。正曲類當中又可分為齊唱與交互演唱兩種,同時具有一曲多用以及一曲獨用,大多數運用於詩體方面,如五言句式或七言句式的詩體,大部份為四四拍子,曲調結束時多數有相同的尾聲;吟詠類為「吟唱」的方式,旋律自由且無固定節拍,多呈現於咒語或表章,如〈土地咒〉、〈香花請〉等等之整齊句或長短句,在吟唱時皆由高音開始其後級進下行;而誦唱類旋律較為平直,一字一音,音程不超過大三度,如長篇經文的部份。 經由實地之音樂蒐集後,本文試圖整理清微派的唱腔,並歸納出各種類型的特點,使其能夠更清楚瞭解臺灣道教清微派的儀式音樂。


Abstract  The QingWei Pai was current in the Yuan and Song Dynasties .Zu Shu originated the QingWei Pai by blending four Taoist denominations, Shang-qing, Ling-bao, Tao-de, and Zheng-yi. Since late Yuan Dynasty, Qing-wei pai started to grow and disseminated to the south and the north of China. While north branch integrated with the Quan-zhen pai and was renamed "Wu-dang qing-wei pai"; the south branch still kept the original name.  Taiwan’s Qing-wei pai belongs to the south system. According to my field investigation, the Taiwan’s Qing-wei pai mainly distributes in the north of Taiwan. It was brought to Taiwan by Wang Yuan ru and his teacher, Wu Zhao dong, Who followed the Nationalist Party to Taiwan and started to disseminate the Qingwei pai, therefore, Taiwan’s current QingWei Pai Taoists are all Wang Yuanru’s students. The rites of the Qingwei pai include Badu, Taochang and Fachang. The music of the rites has plenty of vavieties. Generally speaking, the rites music songs can be classified into three types- Principal part songs, Intoning, and Chanting. The principal part songs can be divided into Unison-singing and alternated-sing types. The melodies of principal part songs are mostly in regular quadruple time, almost are 4/4 beats, however, there are sometimes coloratura type melodies which change the meter from quadruple to eight-beat time. The melody is abundant. Intoning is presented by singing; the melody is free and does not have regular meter. Most of intoning is sung during incantation or Biaozhang . The melody of chanting is more steady and plain even. syllabic, and the pitch intervals within the limit of a third. After field investigation to collect music, the author tried to arrange and classify the characteristics of the melodies of QingWei Pai music, making it possible to explain the music of Taoism music of Taiwan's QingWei Pai rituals.


