  • 學位論文


Research on the "Drama Pictures" on Pictorial Newspapers in Shanghai(1884-1912)

指導教授 : 陳芳英


本論文所提之「戲劇畫」,意指畫報上一切與戲劇相關的圖像,取材範圍鎖定近 代在上海發刊的畫報,起於1884年《申報》發行《點石齋畫報》,止於1912年鄭正 秋創刊《圖畫劇報》前,查詢來源為《點石齋畫報》、北京全國圖書館文獻縮微複製 中心出版的三套書籍《清代報刊圖畫集成》、《清末民初報刊圖畫集成》、《清末民 初報刊圖畫集成·續編》以及上海古籍出版社的《圖畫日報》等五套書籍,並佐以《民 吁日報》、《真相畫報》等報刊史料,以及當時畫師繪製如畫報形式的圖畫刊物,如《吳 友如畫寶》。本論文著重於表演、劇場與社會之問的關係,嘗試藉由各式各樣的戲劇 圖畫當中,去看看當時的劇場與演員,如何與社會聯結並產生怎樣的互動。 綜觀近代上海畫報的戲劇圖畫,約可分為三類。第一類為「故事畫:,主要刊登 於《時事報圖畫旬報》、《圖畫日報》、《民呼日報圖畫》、《新聞畫報》等報刊,內容為 當時在舞台搬演的新戲作品,本論文亦稱為「新劇畫」。從這些新劇畫中,可以了解 這些或從外國傳來,或從戲曲改良運動孕育而生的劇場作品,其故事、演出緣由等資 訊,從圖像中亦能看出當時戲曲舞台由寫意到寫真的轉換,以及海派演劇追求的新奇 特效,還有伶人演劇助社會公益,背後所隱含的社會意義。第二類為「伶人畫」,內 容可分兩種,一種是當時上海伶人的演出狀況,類似於現在的劇照。主要來源為《民 權畫報》鄭正秋「鞠部春秋」劇評文章,沈伯誠為其搭配之「劇評畫」,以及《圖畫 日報》海上漱石生「三十年來伶界之拿手戲」兩大專欄,另一種是散落在各報伶人新 聞的圖像。本論文著重這些資料所表現出的社會意義、當時伶人所發生的社會事件, 從這些伶人圖像中,可看出海上演劇特色(包括海派演劇、女伶、瘋狂戲迷現象等)、 伶人行為不當的舉止與其引發的風波。第三類為「劇場新聞畫」,內容為散落在各畫 報上,出現劇場、戲園圖像的社會新聞。從這些新聞進行分析,可以看出劇場被形塑 成一個負面符號,記者以種種衛道、安全理由,對閱讀者進行「看戲無益」的勸阻, 希望閱者可以遠離戲園,遠離災禍。此外,這類圖像包括許多西方表演形式以及上海 相關表演行業,可以看出近代上海戲劇活動的蓬勃,以及西方新式娛樂的東進,包括 馬戲團、影戲等,亦在滬上引起風潮。


上海 畫報 圖像 伶人 新劇 戲曲改良 時裝京劇 戲劇新聞


The word "drama picture" in this thesis signifies all kinds of pictures on the pictorial newspapers at the modern times in Shanghai. This thesis focuses on the relation among dramaplays, theaters and the society, and attempts to observe the theaters phenomena and performers back then and how they interacted with the society. The drama pictures shown on the pictorial newspapers at the modern times in Shanghai could be divided into three parts: (1) pictures about the stories; (2) pictures about the performers; and (3) pictures about the theaters. First of all, pictures about the stories, mainly printed on Current Events Pictorial Ten Days Newspaper (shishi huabao tuhua xunbao),Pictures Daily News (tuhua ribao),People's call Daily News (minhu ribao),and News Pictorial Newspaper (xinwun huabao),presented new dramaplays then, also called "new drama pictures" in this thesis. These pictures gave us an access to know more about the dramaplays from overseas as well as from the local drama modifying movement. They also implied us the social meanings of charitable performances. Secondly, pictures about the performers can be distinguished into two ways. One is the pictures presenting the performers' acts during the performance processes, like a stage photo at the present time; the other is the pictures presenting related news about the performers. This thesis especially values the social meanings about some of the social events, social events happened to the performers, the fan features of female performers, and the improper conduct behaved by the performers. Lastly, pictures about the theaters from pictorial newspapers indicated that theaters were represented as a negative sign. Reporters tried hard to keep audiences away from theaters by the reason of morality and safety. They brought up the call "watching a dramapaly is no good". However, from all these pictures we can hardly ignore the flourish of dramaplay development in the modern times Shanghai and the importation of the western entertainment forms, such as circus and so on.


吳圳義:《清末上海租界社會》(台北:文史哲出版社,1 978年)。
