  • 學位論文


Developing Variation in Brahms’s Chamber Music

指導教授 : 王美珠


布拉姆斯的室內樂作品,旋律優美且結構緊密,在浪漫樂派時期,可視為奠定室內樂基礎及典範的作品。北德出身的布拉姆斯,對於巴赫及貝多芬作品中嚴整的對位手法十分推崇,也因此重視形式結構上的工整,成為布拉姆斯作品的最大特色。布拉姆斯對於形式結構的要求,最終發展出以極具個人特色的創作手法-「發展性變奏」。 「發展性變奏」手法在音樂中形成的特色如下-結構的模糊、節奏韻律的錯置及樂段連接處的不明顯;造成布拉姆斯在音樂作品上的不明確性,也反映出布拉姆斯內心「矛盾」的特質,及音樂風格上的特殊之處。在工整嚴密的結構中,節奏及音型造成混亂的美感,卻又不失在音樂上的平衡感。在布拉姆斯晚期的作品中,發展性變奏手法更是在樂曲中發揮的淋漓盡致,也使音樂的織度更緊密、手法更簡鍊及結構具完整性。在了解布拉姆斯的創作手法後,更有助於我們聆聽布拉姆斯的作品時,更進一步及更多層面來思考音樂中所蘊含的意義。 本篇論文將探討發展性變奏手法在布拉姆斯的代表性樂類-室內樂中如何運用,從最初的手法形成期、至樂曲中發展性變奏手法的運用、最後趨向成熟圓融,都將在本文中一一探討。


When it comes to pieces in Brahmas’ Chamber Music, the melody is elegant and the structure is compact. Brahms’ works are considered role models of Romance. Born in the North of Germany, Brahms respected the complete counterpoint in Bach’s and Beethoven’s works a lot and the complete structure thus features his works. Developing variation was formed thanks to Brahms’ care for complete structures. In the Brahms’ late work, he utilizes Developing variation to perfection and thus he makes music tighter, more compact, and complete. To understand Brahms’ techniques will assist us in getting into the meanings of his works when listening to them.This essay probes into the Developing variation used in Chamber Music, including its period of formation, its period of growth, and its period of maturity.


Becker,Heinz.“Johannes Brahms.”The New Grove Dictionary of Music and Musician. Second edition ed.New York:Macmillan,2001.
Baron, John. Chamber music : a research and information guide. New York : Routledge, 2002.
Frisch ,Walter. Brahms's sonata structures and the principle of developing variation, University Microfilms International, 1991.
Frisch,Walter.“Brahms.Chamber Music.”The New Grove Dictionary of Music and Musician. Second edition ed.New York:Macmillan,2001.


