  • 學位論文


The Image Writing of Space:The Flow of Time

指導教授 : 陳愷璜


本創作論述聚焦於2010~2012年期間的創作作品為基礎,將創作的命題核心及操作實踐的過程於此透過書寫整理,並以個人在創作階段上所關注的題材及想法,作為創作論述的討論與思考。我在書寫一個空間,我在書寫一個住所。一種從日常生活居住的經驗開展,圍繞在「家屋」/「房間」/「回家路徑」等經驗者所處的內部、外部空間,透過影像的描繪書寫,建立出屬於我的宇宙觀,這一切圍繞在「家屋」的形貌與想像,也在這段時間的累積中,成為這個階段創作的主要命題;城鄉的風景、居住的情感,透過影像媒材的擷取及體現,凝結成當下流動的時間感。在這段創作過程裡,我不斷的思索,影像作為媒介的可能性是什麼?操作者、被攝者、觀看者三種客體的情感是什麼?回溯自身,空間住所、生活物件,透過影像一一被揭露存在,種種內在情感彷彿慢慢的浮現清晰,我所追尋的或是寄託的,儘管隨著時間的流動,居住住所的遷移,都不曾消散,或許便是我透過創作裡一直在尋找的歸屬感,而它會從我內在發聲一直一直的。 本篇論述共分成四個章節。第一章節「以影像開展書寫」主要闡述的是創作上的意圖及動機,何以使用錄像為媒材的表現,以及作品命名的意涵。第二章節「這裡/那裡」談到的是在創作裡所關注的議題及創作主軸,透過作品的實踐構成的世界觀為何。第三章節「重複的路徑」則是分析作品中的創作形式的整理。第四章節「創作作為一種疑問句」試圖將三個計畫型的作品中的創作意涵及操作方式作更進一步的探討。


日常 他方 詩性 影像並置


The thesis is based on the creations between 2010 and 2012. The discussion and thought of the thesis is presented the core of creation and the process of operation through writing, the interesting matters and ideas on the section of the personal creation. I write a space, and a place. The kind of experience of the daily life is spread around ”House” / ”Room” / ”Path” of the internal and external space . It is through the image of writing to build my world view. The appearance and image around “House” are the main subject of the creation in the section during the accumulated period. Urban and rural scenery and dwelling emotion freeze the sense of time through the capture of the image medium and performance. During the process of creation, I continue to think what the possibility of the image as medium is. What is the emotion of operator, taker, and observer? I seek and entrust myself, space and life through the image writing existing. It never disappears even though with the flow of time and the migration of dwelling. Perhaps it is my sense of belonging through keeping creating. And it continues to speak from my heart. There are four chapters in the thesis. The first chapter, “The prologue of the image writing”, elaborates that the motivation of the creation. How to use the videotape as the performance of medium, and the implication of named works. The second chapter, “There” / “Here”, explains the interesting issue and support through practices composed to express what the world view is. The third chapter, ”The duplicated path”, emphasizes the analysis of the creative style. The fourth chapter, ”The creation is a question”, tries to forward discuss the creative implication and operation of three plans.


daily elsewhere poetry image apposition


1. Gilles Deleuze著,《電影II:時間-影像》,黃建宏譯,遠流,2003。
2. Jacques Ranciere著,《影像的宿命》,黃建宏譯,典藏,2003。
6. Susan Sontag著,《反詮釋》, 麥田,2008。
8. Michel Foucault著,《外邊思維》,洪維信譯,行人文化實驗室,2006。
9. Gaston Bachelard著,《空間詩學》,龔卓軍譯,張老師文化,2003。
