  • 學位論文


Following the light of life

指導教授 : 陳世明


提要 「循著生命的微光前行」創作論述中,作者試著整理出繪畫創作發展過程的思路脈络與背景動機,原初的靈感、感動,所引發的創作動力,和繪畫作品傳達出的個人內在精神與感受性,及說明創作與生活之間的關係,對認識自我的關注、探詢,從中了解與察覺生活、自身、創作的交互影響。 在第二章中描述光的作用與性質,光扮演著重要的媒介,在象徵與實質的意義上,具有轉換、導引、淨化、調和的功能,經由內在感受接收,與宇宙之光相接合,光是蘊含在生命的本質裡,也包含了整體生命在內,藉著光的作用將之融合不分離,帶來了清新的品質與煥然一新的活力。 作者所要描述的並非是什麼神秘學說,描述的是真實作用在日常生活與生命裡發揮,宇宙、生命本身本來就是個秘密,人也不斷地再探詢自身的問題,「循著生命的微光前行」是一個開始,一個觀看事物的路徑,重要的是如何開始,不是藉由外力的引導,而是親身去探訪。




Abstract In the thesis "Following the light of life", the author tried explain her vision, background, and motive of her creative process. She also tried to describe her original inspiration, emotion, energy, personal feelings that were being conveyed through her artwork, the relationship between the artwork and life, and her journey to self discovery. The second chapter describes the function and the nature of light. Light is an important media. In reality and symbolism, light has the function of transforming, guiding, purifying, and neutralizing. Through inner feelings, the light defined by the author connects with light of the Universe. The essence of life contains light, but the light also contains life. They are intertwined and in harmony. They bring fresh quality and totally new energy to the author. What the author is expressing is by no means any mystical theory, instead the thesis illustrates how light functions in daily life. The universe and life are a mystery. People constantly try to find the answers to their own struggles and issues. “Following the light of life” is a beginning to enlightenment and a path for observing the world. The most important aspect of finding enlightenment is by starting with self discovery, and not by outside influence.


the light of life


1.《造型的誕生》,杉浦康平〈Kohei Sugiura〉著, 楊晶/李建華 譯
2.《夢與意識投射 (賽斯書)》(Seth, Dreams & Projection of Consciousness) , Jane Roberts 著, 王季慶 譯
3.《心靈的本質 (賽斯書》(The Nature of the Psyche), Jane Roberts 著, 王季慶 譯


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