  • 學位論文

道教正一派普度法事及其唱腔研究: 以朱堃燦道長為對象

A Study of Taoism Cheng-yi sect Salvation of Rite and Music:Major in the Taoism Master Ju, Kun-Tsan

指導教授 : 呂錘寬


本論文是以道教眾多科儀中,民眾參與程度最多,且最為普遍、常見的一項科儀—普度儀式的研究,觀察對象為北部正一派朱堃燦道長宣行的儀式。 普度為透過道士的法力,將法食祭享孤魂滯魄,並為之超度,以靖地方事,祈能合眾平安,淨土清泰。然道教普度法事的分佈具有普遍性,如正一派與靈寶派皆有普度法事,且名目、用途、神明系統皆相同,但是音樂的內容卻互不相同。本文乃以台灣北部正一派道教系統為對象,以筆者於2002年至2007年間近四年對朱堃燦道長所主壇之大、中、小普約三十場普度法事的觀察記錄,並以南聖宮丙戌年五朝祈安清醮中所行之普度法事宣演過程為底本,期對道教正一派普度法事之結構與音樂作一分析。至於內容的描述與分析,則藉著朱堃燦道長所提供《太上正壹普度施食科儀》抄本,以及他本人的解釋與說明。 本文分為三個部份,第一部分為序論、第一章,即研究對象基本背景的探討,包括台灣相關普度法會、普度法事之緣由,以及普度法事之相關現象等。第二章為普度法事的探討,包括法事的詳細過程與分析。第三章為普度法事唱腔音樂,除描述與分析法事中的音樂元素外,更近一步探討這些元素在法事中運用的情形。


道教 建醮 禮斗法會 普度 中元普度 普度音樂


The main focus of this thesis is Pu-tu 普度 (Ritual of Salvation), one of the most common religious services performed in Taoism, in which the most public participants are considered to be involved, and I will demonstrate my thesis statement through such a ceremony hosted by the Taoism master (religious priest) Ju, Kun-Tsan 朱堃燦 in Northern Taiwan. Pu-tu, means that Taoism masters use their magical power to offer oblations for Ku-hun and Chih-po 孤魂滯魄 , and to comfort them in the hope of making peace with these desolate souls. Among different sects of Taoism, however, individual differences exist when carrying out the ritual in the name of Pu-tu. Taking Cheng-yi sect 正一派 and Ling-pao sect 靈寶派 for example, even though both sects have the same kind ritual named Pu-tu whose functions, purposes, and systems of the God are the same, each sect would respectively has its musical tradition. Cheng-yi sect from Northern Taiwan would be the subject of this thesis. Based on approximately thirty rounds of different scales of ritual records that I kept from year 2002 to 2007 when participating in the rituals which are hosted by Taoism master Ju, I will take San-chung City Nan-sheng Temple Ping-hsu Year Wu-chao Ch-ian Ching-chiao 三重南聖宮丙戌年五朝祈安清醮 as a basic model, and analyze not only the ritual structure of Pu-tu of Cheng-yi sect but its music as well. I will then portrayed detailed descriptions and analyses of this ceremony through the manuscript of Tai-shang Cheng-yi Shih-shih Pu-tu Ke-yi太上正壹普度施食科儀 provided by the Master Ju and his personal explanations. This thesis is divided into three chapters. Chapter one is the introduction to my research. I illustrate not only the background knowledge of the thesis subject, dealing with related ceremonies and phenomena and of Pu-tu, but also reasons to hold the ritual. As for chapter two, I examine Pu-tu, and its detailed procedures and analyses are portrayed in this part. In the end, chapter three, I emphasize on the musical accents of Pu-tu. Aside from analyzing and describing the musical elements of Pu-tu, I will then further manifest how these elements are applied to the ritual.


2005 <從“展演”觀點論音聲實踐在臺灣佛教水陸法會儀式中所扮演的角色>,《台灣音樂研究》,1:1-28。
2000 《台灣民間「普渡」儀式研究》,嘉義:南華大學哲學研究所。
Lagerwey, John撰、呂錘寬整理
Lagerwey, John 、呂錘寬合撰
勞格文(John Lagerwey)


