

今天的人種是數百萬年演化進程的結果,現代人類除了具有選擇自己要成為什麼、並依照自己願望自我修正的能力。我們開始有可能以外掛方式恣意嫁接附屬功能設備,逐漸走向無固定的外顯特徵。〈矯形〉以此意味試圖對科技無法控制的進展提出反論。 將這提問迴向於自己不斷尋獵的各種身體的可能狀態,就因為自身本體無法被恣意實驗,才選擇機器去模擬。而當這些機器以輔具身分接近—用一種替身的角度試探,複雜心態就此顯現:我們究竟要這些贗品器官功能靈活到哪個層度,如果它的存在比人的身體優化,那本體的價值又在哪裡? 論述中先以〈死亡化學〉解剖式的腐爛死體,劃破皮膚表膜。旁觀地攤開身形消解所改變的死亡關係。以此進展企圖作為製造身體修正器具的行為起始,聚焦至預謀反轉精準工具的〈過期未來史〉與〈超人平台〉兩件作品上。博物館科學設施的運用展示策略,繞成一套百科全書性質的自立宇宙,作為形式的擬態文件,將身體感格化成一種單純的影像。


The human race today is a result of millions of years of evolution. The modern people not only can choose who they want to be, but also adjust themselves according to their wills. We can attach auxiliary functional equipment by means of plug-in, and develop non-fixed extrinsic features. Based on this concept, “body modification” attempts to propose an anti-thesis against the development that is out of the control by technology. This proposition concerns the various possible states of the body that are pursued by oneself because one is not able to be experimented recklessly, so that machine simulation is adopted. When these machines approach as a supplementary tool – probed by the perspective of substitute, complicated mind is thus revealed. How flexible do we want these imitated organs to be? If its existence is superior to the human body, what are the values of the noumenon? The discourse first dissects the skin surface of the decomposed corpse by “The Chemistry Of Death”, and unfolds the change of death relationship due to the change of physical shapes, in order to develop the equipment to start the body modification. It then focuses on precision tools for reversion, which are “Paleo–Future” and “Plug–in Transhuman”. The display strategy of the facilities in the museum composes an “independent universe” in the same nature as the encyclopedia as an imitation document for forms, in order to format the body into a simple image.


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7. 傅柯(Michel Foucault),《規訓與懲罰—監獄的誕生》(Discipline and Punish:The Birth of Prison),劉北成、楊遠嬰譯,台北:桂冠圖書,2003。
12. 栗山茂久(Shigehisa Kuriyama),《身體的語言–從中西文化看身體之》(The Expressiveness of the Body, and the Divergence of Greek and Chinese Medicine),陳信宏譯,台北:究竟出版股份有限公司,2001。
13. 瑪莉.羅曲(Mary Roach),《不過是具屍體》(Stiff:The Curious Lives of Human Cadavers),林君文譯,台北:時報出版,2004。
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