

以影像與錄像為主要媒材,將與我對話的受訪者之避風港紀錄下來。一連串的過程彷若是種測量:靈魂測量。在我與對方的互動間,碰撞與開啟其他新的,未知的可能。我將這樣的狀態比喻成旅行,一種進入他人內心的心靈之旅。有意願者,請你們帶我去旅行,將你們的心靈敞開,與我分享,一起進入有如大冒險般的狀態。我在這裡也變成了旅行地圖的繪製者,也重新建構與參與者之間的關係與意義,重新定義自身與外在的角色與關係。旅途裡我遇見分裂的自己,在那裡,我看見真實的存在。旅行是為了離開、離開自身、離開有關的一切。離開,尋找自己。旅行或許已然結束,但對話卻才要開始;因為分享,而再度開啟…   計畫一路進行至今已經到了編號第拾伍號旅行,已然也變成了創作者-我-的蛻變之旅了。


內在旅行 分享 靈魂測量 轉譯 避風港 療癒 冒險 面對 凝視 實踐 註腳 試探 交換


“Me in your Journey” is a dialogue-based project concerned with how people live their life, rather than just existing. Would these states of being, either physical or spiritual, reach us to the positive attitudes of living, existing, and blessing? And whether what states we are in, is the well-being possible?   Through simultaneous yet independent dialogues with fifteen partners in this project, we talked and shared everything. Just like a great adventure, I was invited to be with these fifteen partners’ everyday life and they show me what their state of well-being is. By photo shooting and video taping the best states of their being, I started my great journey myself. With these dialogue-based practices, I start over and redefine the inter-power dynamics perspective boundaries between these fifteen partners and myself, and the private and the others. The changes of positions open up the possibilities of mapping our own states. And beyond myself, I became a part of others. I live. Just like a journey, I leave and carry on mapping.


4.Roland Barthes,汪耀進、武佩榮 譯,《戀人絮語》,台北,桂冠,1994。
5.Roland Barthes,許綺玲 譯,《明室》,台北,台灣攝影,1997。
6. Maurice Blanchot,林長杰譯,《黑暗托馬》(Thomas Lóbscur),台北,行人,2006。
1. Macel, Christine/ Bois, Ive-Alan/ Bois, Yve-Alain/ Rolin, Olivier《Sophie Calle: Did You See Me?》, Prestel Pub, 2004/02/01.


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  • 陳佩青(2008)。Encountering Another Way Home臺灣博物季刊27(2),94-95。https://www.airitilibrary.com/Article/Detail?DocID=P20150629002-200806-201610060012-201610060012-94-95
