  • 學位論文

時間與事件的印記 --- 混沌狀態的自然秩序重組

The marks of Time and Events --- Reconstruct the order from nature by Chaos

指導教授 : 張正仁


摘要 個人於2002-2006修業於台北藝術大學美術學系美術創作碩士班,利用此四年時間沉澱並省視自1987-2000年間個人的生命,透過創作過程去審視自我,並觀察世界。 本創作論述在闡明個人創作的思考方式及創作方法。筆者追尋創作的原點,意即為何會去做開始,逐步剖析自我。是故,在本論述中大量論及的是對個人自我生命的探討、個人對所生所長的世界探索及思考,創作之所依附的中心。 第一章 緒論。首先說明筆者的原點與動機。在當初是一股很純粹的只是想畫畫的念頭,做創作只是讓自己很高興,這高興是得自創作時的狀態或作品完成後自我欣賞的歡愉。 第二章 從能量轉變成實體。在創造出畫面時不免要使用到物理性的經驗法則。宮崎駿的動畫裡創造了許多明顯的新物理法則,這些法則撐起了整個故事的合理架構。個人在創作時不可避免要去考慮所繪物體的物理性,賦予物體合理的性質。 第三章 虛擬秩序的實驗。本章在闡述個人的創作思考內容。個人的創作在創造一實驗性空間,觀察真實世界的秩序,萬物的結構,是瞭解自身所處的方法。在可把握自然的規則之後,創作時自然游刃有餘。 結論 筆者對於創作的態度,在於怎樣讓自己高興。生活等於是創作,事實上,筆者最大的作品是自己本身。將自己不斷放空去接受新知與思索,同一命題不同時不同次的思考也略有所不同。


I studied in The Graduate School of Fine Arts of Taipei National University of Arts (TNUA) in 2002 to 2006. In the four years, I looked back my life and tried to figure out what happened to me, look at myself and observe the world. This study tried to describe how I think and create, and analyze the ego step by step. Thus, I widely discussed the review of my life, the exploration of the world I grew up and the center that is attached by my thought and creation. Chapter One—Introduction The original point of author's thinking and works. At first, I just want to draw and make some notes for my life. I didn’t draw for the fame or wealth, but the happiness of the processing and accomplishment of the finishing of the works. Chapter Two: From Energy to Materialization. Some physical rules might be involved in a piece of work. Hayao Miyazaki created many brand-new physical rules in his moving pictures. These rule constructed the frame of the whole story. To give the reasonable natures to the objects, I also used some physical rules when I was painting. Chapter Three: The Experiment of Virtual Order. This chapter describes the thoughts of my works. The main idea of my works is to create an experimental space and observe the order of the real world. The structure of everything is a way to realize the ego. If we controlled the natural rules, it will be more unconstrained to the creation. Conclusion My attitude to the creation is that how I make myself happy. Life is equal to creation. Actually, my major work maybe is myself. Empty myself to explore the new world and new knowledge. My thoughts might be different in different time and different place.


虛擬與文學 德勒茲文學論 楊凱麟 著 ,曾發表於「中外文學」第28卷第3期「法國文學與思想專輯」1999年8月。附錄於德勒茲論羅蘭巴特 p.234
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