  • 學位論文


A Critique Essay on the Film Script “The Sunset Of Bamboo Forest”

指導教授 : 李道明


《竹林落日》為筆者的原創劇本,背景架構在三國末期魏國曹氏一脈舊政權與司馬懿新勢力的黨爭史。故事描述幾個當時滿懷理想的年輕知識份子從相遇進而相濡以沫,藉由彼此找到生命的自我認同感,最後卻因政治立場的分歧與生存利益的抵觸而分道揚鑣,友情就此崩解。 劇本長度約110分鐘,泛屬歷史與武俠類型,採三幕劇結構,期盼在現今充斥著政治紛擾喧囂的社會中,吸引觀眾接受本故事欲傳達友情真諦之主題。 因應題材與類型參考,劇本撰寫時,參考中、港合資電影《投名狀》與英、愛合資之電影《吹動大麥的風》(The Wind that Shakes the Barley)。由於故事的發想靈感是源自古代曾經真實存在的人物,並非平白架空於歷史的想像,故筆者與起始時,便加強時代背景的史料搜集與研究,藉由造史者記載的空白與交待不清之縫隙,進行劇本的填補與衍生,希冀仍能保有其歷史質感。 另一方面,雖然此劇本的故事情節呈現了武俠電影中最常出現的敘事模式—復仇。但由於主軸放在何謂忠誠烈士的俠義精神辯證上,文藝與武打互滲,削弱了打鬥本身的招式與動作,突顯了近似胡金銓作品底下青衫儒家劍客的典型。 在此之前,筆者從未有過商業劇情電影之撰寫經驗,故創作論述除了從文本上分析劇情的內容與敘述結構外,亦從類型上討論公式的操作與賣點,盼望藉以獲取整體行銷之概念,有朝一日,讓此作品能被更多人閱讀。


The Sunset of Bamboo Forest is my (the writer's) original screenplay. It's background skelenton lies in the political party struggle history between 魏國曹氏 old power regime and 司馬懿 new power of Sangou latter era. The play tells a story of a number of young intellectuals having all the ideals in their minds. It describes that these young people meet by chance, know each other, and find ego-identification in their lives. But at last, they quit partership because their political attitudes diverge and their living benefit is in contravention. And eventually their friendship breaks down. The screenplay lasts about 110 minutes. It is generally of the historical and martial kind. The play is of three-screen structure. Under such political disorderly and disturbed society may the play appeal to the readers or the audience. And then the readers or the audience may realize the true meaning of friendship. The screenplay, when written, consults "The Warlords", a joint capital motion picture of Hong Kong and China and "The Wind That Shakes The Barley", a joint capital movie of Ireland and England. The inspiration of the story traces back from the ancient once really existing character and not from the historical imagination, so the author places emphasis on the historic collection and research on the era background. The author also makes the play filled out and spread out by means of the unclear blank and content which the history writer does not make clear to the coming generation. And I hope it can still keep the history real and alive. On the other hand, the story plot of the play emerges on the narration pattern revenge that often appears in the martial movie, but the main points lie chiefly in the chivalry spirit of the loyal martye. Fine arts and martial arts follow each other, weaken the scheme and action of the fighting itself. The play shows greenblue garment scholarly and refined of the 胡金銓's work. The author has never had the experience of writing commerical plot movie play before. Therefore the auther not only analyzes the content of the screenplay and the structure of the story narration, but discusses from the type the formula operation and selling point. Hoping acquiring selling conception as a whole, and hoping someday, the play being read by more people.


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