  • 學位論文


A Critique Essay on the Film Work“Birthday”

指導教授 : 焦雄屏


《生日願望》是ㄧ部關於家庭親情的電影短片。為筆者第二次入選公共電視台人生劇展三段式單元劇《時光班機三航班-生日願望》所編導的作品,同時也是繼《光之夏》後,第二次獲選新聞局電影短片輔導金的電影短片。 本片以HD規格拍攝,雖然開拍時短片輔導金尚未公布獲選名單,但仍堅持以電影製作方式進行籌備及製作,把握未來轉成35mm杜比電影拷貝的機會。筆者之創作過程,於2007年完成劇本後,曾舉行兩次大規模的演員試鏡,之後確定兩位主要演員,進行演員溝通同時修改劇本,到開拍四個月前已經確定完成最後版本與四位主角。因為主要人物同為ㄧ家人,故拉長約半年的前製期讓演員彼此間建立熟悉與信任。拍攝期八天,後製期約為半年,2009年6月作品在公共電視台進行首播,並開始參加各項影展。 本片主要劇情為:大姊在小妹生日當天得知父母意外死亡,卻隱瞞實情執意要幫小妹過完生日。在此創作論述中,主要探討關於成年人或者兒童在面對親人突然遽逝的創痛與悲傷的心理過程:親人該如何去面對家人因為意外事件離世,以及家庭結構改變後的心理問題。因為短片的長度限制,本片在創作上著重於得知惡耗的當下的反應,以及影響到角色的選擇和行為;並大量描寫生活細節,以貼近寫實自然來展現劇情。本論述另一部分,則是創作美學分析和製作執行的分享與檢討。


Birthday, being one of the trilogy The Three Flights of Time Airline which had been consigned by PTS (Public Television Service) as one of Life Story Series, is a short film depicting family love and relationship. It has been granted a production subsidy by the Government Information Office (GIO)—the director’s second time, the first time was to his other short film Summer of Magic. The author began shooting before we got the subsidy from GIO in 2007. The author insisted on using an HD camera to shoot the film for the possibility of its being transferred to 35mm mag film with Dolby SR encoding. The draft of the script was done two years before the shooting. Two public auditions have been launched to find the major cast. The rehearsing for the actors began six months prior to shooting, in order for the main actors to establish a mutual-trust for them to be realistic as family members. In the meantime, the author went through script revision until 4 months before major shoot. It took eight days to shoot, and approximately half a year for post production. The film will premiere on PTS in June 2009, and will try to enter major short film festivals. The synopsis of the film: A girl learns about her parents’ sudden and tragic death on her little sister’s birthday. She conceals the news and celebrates the birthday as has planned. This essay focuses on the psychological process of how grown-ups and children cope with the sorrow and pain over the loss of family members. The film centered on the heroine’s reactions upon hearing the news and her choice of actions in the face of the tragedy. Small details were emphasized to depict the ordinariness of everyday life. This essay also analyzes the aesthetics of the film, and documents the process of film-making.


《導演思維》(吳宗璘譯)。Dancyger, Ken (2007)。台北:城邦文化。
Emerson﹐Ralph Waldo (1970). The journals and miscellaneous notebooks of Ralph of Waldo Emerson (Vol. 8, 1841-1843).
Reilly, Thomas P., Hasazi, Joseph E.d Bond, Lynne A. (1983). Children’s conceptions of death and personal mortality. Journal of Pediatric Psychology, 8(1), pp.21-31.
《安迪沃荷的普普人生》(盧慈穎釋)。Warhol﹐Andy (2006)。台北:三言出版社。


