  • 學位論文


A Study on the Development of Traditional Wooden Craft in Yilan County

指導教授 : 林承緯


宜蘭舊時稱為噶瑪蘭,最早居住在這塊蘭陽平原上的是噶瑪蘭人,因為受地理環境的關係,使得漢人入蘭甚晚。接著於清領時期漢人逐漸拓墾定居,到日治時期的發展過程,隨著歷史脈絡的演變,形成不同的發展樣貌。而木工藝在過去的常民文化中,與民間生活息息相關,藉由人類的生活所需及對於美的訴求,開始產生了木工藝的發展。透過匠師的手作及材料的使用,融入地方及人文特色,其所展現的不僅是過去民間的生活寫照,蘊含著濃厚的鄉土文化精神及深厚的美學內涵,也是聯繫歷史的共同記憶。 本文主要探討宜蘭傳統木工藝發展過程,透過歷史發展脈絡下,以木工藝為主軸,說明匠師、技藝及所製作之工藝品在不同時期下所產生與時代背景之間的關聯性。經由文獻蒐集及田野調查,從最早居住於蘭陽平原上的噶瑪蘭人所展現的木工藝雕刻裝飾,之後吳沙的入蘭開墾,漢人陸續入蘭拓墾定居。在漢人的民俗信仰及生活環境影響下,此時期木工藝開始進入了萌芽的發展階段。然後到日治時期,在日本殖民政策的影響下及太平山的開發對於木工藝所產生的影響,以及紀錄現今宜蘭仍舊持續製作傳統木工藝匠師的發展情形,最後呈現出宜蘭傳統木工藝在各個時期發展下的特色及樣貌。


Yilan formerly known as “Kavalan”, an aboriginal tribe first resided in Lanyang Plain. Due to the restrain of geographical environment, the Han Chinese moved in rather late. They gradually expanded their lands toward Yilan and settled down in Qing Dynasty’s rule period. During the Japanese rule of Taiwan, Yilan continued to flourish. Therefore, different faces of development formed within the changing of historical context. In the past, wooden crafts play a critical role and have strong bonds with vernacular life. With the necessities for human life and the quest for beauty, the wooden crafts started to thrive. Through the craftsmen’s manual work and use of materials, local spirits and characteristics in humanities are blended in. The wooden crafts are not only the portrayal of daily folk lives from the past, containing a strong local cultural spirit and profound aesthetic connotation, but also the collective memory connecting histories. This paper mainly discusses the development process of traditional wooden crafts in Yilan. Through the historical development context and taking wooden crafts as the spin, the correlation between craftsmen, skills or crafts produced from different periods and backgrounds is explored. According to literature research and field survey, the crafts transformed from the earliest Kavalan people demonstrating wood carving decoration techniques, and later Wu Sha’s reclamation, to the Han Chinese explored and inhabited in Lanyang Plain. Under the influence of Han Chinese folk religions and living environments, the wooden craftsmanship entered the first phase. During the Japanese rule, the Japanese colonial policy and development of Taipingshan forest area also have influences. This paper continues to record the ongoing development of traditional wooden craftsmanship. At the end, it demonstrates the features and characteristics of Yilan traditional wooden crafts from various periods.


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