  • 學位論文

碩士畢業影片創作論述 電影短片作品《孝悌兒童》

A Critique Essay on the Graduation Short Film FILIAL PIETY AWARD

指導教授 : 廖慶松


《孝悌兒童》是一部以「家庭倫理劇」為主,「喜劇」為輔,描述親情議題的複合類型影片,由呂雪鳳、黃文星、何智仁主演,陳建彰編劇導演,透過劇中一個國小四年級的小男孩—志信,參加學校「最孝順的學生」比賽的荒謬過程,體現孝順的忙與盲,以童趣的視角看三代之間親情的消長。 本片以製片的角度出發,從前期尋找適合的劇本與導演,劇本寫實通俗符合三幕劇架構檢視,到演員角色、製作期工作人員:攝影、燈光、美術、音樂...等等的選定,以及製片組工作的分工,後期製作的管理,宣傳行銷的計畫,以及對作品後續的檢討。從製片的角度來分析本片,帶領讀者了解本片的製作過程,也希望藉由本片引導觀眾進入這個家庭的困境,感同身受地去思考孝順真正的意義。 本片獲102年度公共電視學生劇展,和文化部影視及流行音樂產業局103年度電影短片輔導金 共同補助製作。本論述詳述本片的製作過程,希望以此經驗能為日後製作其他影片當作參考依據。


孝悌兒童 孝順


Seasoned with comical moments, Filial Piety Award is mainly a family drama. This composite short film starring LU Hsueh-Feng, HUANG Wen-Hsing, and HO JR.-Ren, was written and directed by CHEN Jian-Zhang. Through the main character Chih-Hsin, a fourth-grader boy who strives for the “filial piety award,” his amusing pursuit of the award embodies the futility and emptiness of showing off filial piety. Meanwhile, the family tie within the three generations is presented from the position of an innocent child. This essay examines Filial Piety Award from the perspective of a producer and discusses the role of the producer in the process of filmmaking. During the pre-production, a producer takes on varied responsibilities, from looking for a suitable director and a realistic and popular screenplay which suits the three-act structure, to selecting qualified actors and crew, including the cinematographer, gaffer, art director, and music director, to name a few. Afterwards, the producer needs to organize the producer department, manage the post-production, formulate marketing plans, and review the film. This essay analyzes the making of this film from pre-production to post-production this film and guides readers to learn the process of producting a short film. Ultimately, it is hoped that this film enables viewers to recognize the predicament of the family in the story and to contemplate, with sincere empathy, the true meaning of filial piety. Filial Piety Award has commissioned by Public Television Services ( PTS) in 2013, and subsidized by the Short Film Fund from the Department of Audiovisual & Music Industry of the Ministry of Culture. By elucidating the whole production, this essay may be served as reference for films to come.


Filial Piety Award


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