  • 學位論文


A Study on Female Image of Jean-Honore Fragonard's Painting

指導教授 : 潘襎
共同指導教授 : 賴瑞鎣


一般藝術史通常以極小的篇幅,並且將對於「洛可可風格」所存有之封閉而單一向度之思想模式─「精巧」、「愉悅」、「墮落」、「虛飾」、「情色」、「膚淺」─套用於福拉哥納爾的繪畫作品之中,偶有語帶貶抑之觀點。本研究旨在透過對於福拉哥納爾繪畫中女性形象之重新審視,試圖思考:為何福拉哥納爾那些在當時受到學院與藝評家們批判的男女情愛主題畫作,在藝術史發展過程的篩選之下卻獨具其魅力?而他又是如何在法國大革命與新古典主義浪潮來臨之際,以其享樂主義的藝術表現去與時代思潮進行對話? 全文共分為四章。第一章形塑十八世紀法國女性形象、時代人文影像與道德思想觀,建構法國「洛可可時期」之時代背景。第二章對於福拉哥納爾畫筆下之女性形象進行探討,並試圖對其圖像語彙加以詮釋。第三章對於福拉哥納爾繪畫中女性形象之風格演變作一分期,試圖釐清藝術家本身的創作歷程之遞變現象,與其道德思想觀念轉變之關聯性。第四章則試圖解析福拉哥納爾畫中女性形象之人文意涵,辯証十八世紀法國思想論述、道德觀念與藝術圖像語彙間之複雜性、矛盾性與衝突性。 本研究以道德意識為核心,以女性意識為思維,透過對於十八世紀法國時代風尚、藝術思潮等時代人文影像之勾勒,試圖闡釋福拉哥納爾繪畫中女性形象所具有的內在價值與意義。旨在發現藝術家本人的思想意念,並且為藝術家重新定位;確立福拉哥納爾的繪畫創作在藝術史上之獨特性與新意,試圖能以新的面向觀看福拉哥納爾繪畫表現之本質。


In the history of art, the works of Jean-Honore Fragonard are usually described, with very limited space and sometimes derogatory comments, as elaborate, delighted, corrupt, artificial, erotic, and superficial, the stale expressions typically used for the Rococo style. This paper aims to re-examine the female image in Jean-Honore Fragonard’s paintings and raise the following questions: why his works, with the subject matters of love between male and female, received bitter criticism from the academic circle and critics in his time but shiningly stood out in the progress of art history? And, how did he achieve to make a dialogue with the historiographic thoughts in the wave of the French Revolution and Neoclassicism, through a style of Hedonism? This paper is divided into four chapters. Chapter 1 represents the historical background of the French Rococo Era via the reconstruction of the image of French female, the humanitarian scene, and the moral values in the Eighteenth Century. Chapter 2 analyzes the woman image in Jean-Honore Fragonard’s works, attempting to interpret and decipher his image semantics. Chapter 3 divides his depiction of female into several different stages according to stylistic alterations, with an aim to trace the artistic evolution and its correlation with the change of the artist’s moral values. Chapter 4 observes the humanitarian fabric of the female image in his paintings and investigates the complexity, contradiction and conflicts between the Eighteenth-Century French discourses, moral values, and image semantics. This paper attempts to explore the inner values and meanings of the female image in Jean-Honore Fragonard’s works through reconstructing the time scenes of the Eighteenth-Century France including the social customs, artistic thoughts, and humanitarian features. The purpose is to discover the thoughts of the artist himself and revalue his position in art history, so as to define the uniqueness and originality of his artistic creation and to appreciate the essence of his paintings in a new light.


Fragonard Rococo female image Hedonism


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