  • 學位論文


The Analysis on Public Relationship Communicated Strategies Applied to Facebook Pages of Taiwan Modern Theatrical Troupes

指導教授 : 劉蕙苓


在臺灣,許多網路使用者透過社群媒體Facebook(臉書)聯繫他人,許多組織也仰賴其普及性、低成本與便利的社交互動等等優勢,將粉絲專頁做為對外溝通以維繫公共關係的重要管道之一;然而,組織是否能充分發揮Facebook的公關溝通效果,尤其是缺乏人力與財務等資源的現代戲劇團隊,仍有待釐清。據此,本研究沿用Kent & Taylor(1998)的「對話式溝通」(dialogic communication)理論,分析32個臺灣現代戲劇團隊的Facebook粉絲專頁,並訪談4名粉絲專頁管理員,以了解臺灣現代劇團經營Facebook粉絲專頁時所運用的公關溝通策略、實際對話情形以及各策略與對話回應之間的關聯。 研究結果顯示,現代劇團最善於使用資訊實用性與鼓勵參與等對話溝通策略,留住訪客的應用比例較低;粉絲的對話參與表現較為活躍,劇團則是相對低落,且習慣使用對留言按讚;此外,使用對話溝通策略的貼文,會比未使用的貼文來得更具對話參與表現特色。整體而言,臺灣現代劇團經營Facebook粉絲專頁之公關溝通策略應用之特色,包括資訊透明化且重視實用內容、營造活潑有趣的氣氛、各網路平台橫向連結少,而大型劇團重視管理與資訊傳播,粉絲回應程度較高,相較之下,中、小型劇團重視雙方的互動,但粉絲回應程度較低。


In Taiwan, numerous online users choose Facebook to communicate their social network as well as many other organizations by virtue of the predominance on its universality, low cost and convenient social interaction. As regards the modern theatrical troupes for lack of human and financial resources, however, the efficiency of using Facebook for public relationship has not been examined. By analyzing the content of 32 Taiwan modern theatrical troupes’ Facebook Pages and interviewing 4 administrators within these Pages, this study employed the dialogic communication theory (Kent & Taylor, 1998) to find out the public relationship strategies, actual dialogic circumstances, and the relationship between these strategies and dialogic responses. This study has inferred that: (1) usefulness of information and encouragement of participation are the most familiar dialogic communication strategies, on the other hand, the conservation of visitors is less used; (2) while fans have better performance of dialogic engagement, the modern theatrical troupes have fewer participation and are used to give only a “Like” as a response; (3) posts could get better performance of dialogic engagement with decent dialogic communication strategies. In conclusion, the Facebook Pages of Taiwan modern theatrical troupes pay more attention to post transparent and useful information, and create lively and interesting atmosphere yet being short of external links to other networks. Furthermore, large troupes take seriously on controlling the comments and information dissemination. On the contrary, medium and smaller troupes place importance on interaction between the troupes and the fans, the response ratio of fans is rather higher than in the larger troupes.




