  • 學位論文


Boundary Hesitating/Wavering: The Queer Body in Taiwan Contemporary Art

指導教授 : 廖仁義


臺灣在一九八○、九○年代受到西方女性藝術思潮影響,開啟了藝術作品中女體再現(representation)議題的討論,以至後現代女性研究提出「陰性書寫」(Ecriture feminine)概念,解放女�男對應陰柔�陽剛特質(femininity/masculinity)的僵化二分法,啟發了酷兒理論(Queer Theory)。本文從女體再現議題衍伸,結合酷兒理論的重要概念,研究核心為:臺灣當代藝術中的酷兒身體再現及其於臺灣社會文化脈絡中的意義,希望可以初步建構臺灣當代藝術史裡的酷兒理論觀點閱讀。首先,回溯西方與臺灣的性�別藝術發展脈絡,聚焦於身體再現議題;並援引帕諾夫斯基(Erwin Panofsky)的圖像學(Iconology)研究方法、巴特勒(Judith Butler)的性別操演(gender performativity)理論以及桑塔格(Susan Sontag)的敢曝(camp)美學進行作品分析,探討藝術家如何展現或竄改現實中的身體框架,藉著踰越性別二分法的酷兒身體,挑戰或揭露了性�別流動的可能性。筆者初步歸納出五種酷兒身體:破除性別刻板印象的身體、雌雄同體的身體、扮裝的身體、情慾的身體、無性別的身體。研究發現,臺灣當代藝術中酷兒身體的再現從原本帶有性別歧視的負面象徵,轉而成為具有顛覆傳統性別意識的圖像;儘管作品數量不多,仍然反映了藝術與社會的對話。最後,討論當前臺灣酷兒藝術研究的危機與轉機。


Influenced by western studies of women’s art during 1980s and 1990s, discussion about the representation of female bodies in art works has begun in Taiwan. Subsequently the concept of “Ecriture feminine” brought by postmodern feminism studies has liberalized the rigid dichotomy of femininity/masculinity and inspired the Queer Theory. This research intends to extend issues of the representation of female bodies as well as incorporate crucial concepts of the Queer Theory, in order to develop its core concern as “representation of Queer bodies in Taiwan contemporary arts and its meaning in Taiwan social and cultural context”, hoping to initially build up the perspectives of Queer Theory in Taiwan contemporary art history. Firstly, context of gender/sexuality development in the western cultures and Taiwan is reviewed to make focus on issues of body representation. The research methods of Erwin Panofsky’s Iconology, theory of Judith Butler’s gender performativity, and analysis on art works of Susan Sontag’s camp aesthetics are then adopted to discuss how the artists present or change the body frames in reality and how they challenge or disclose possibility of gender/sexuality flow by the Queer bodies that cross gender dichotomy. Five Queer bodies have been preliminarily induced in this research; they are: the body that eradicates gender stereotype, the androgynous body, the masquerading body, the lustful body, and the genderless body. It is discovered that the representation of Queer bodies in Taiwan contemporary art has been transformed from negative symbol with sex/gender discrimination to images that subvert traditional sex/gender ideology. Though the amount of such art work is quite few, dialogue between art and society has been revealed. Last but not least, crisis and opportunity of contemporary Queer art research in Taiwan are also discussed.


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