  • 學位論文


A Study on the Modernization of Hsieh's House in Mengjia

指導教授 : 邱博舜


市定古蹟艋舺謝宅橫跨清末、日治到國民政府三個時代,先後歷經歐陽氏和謝氏家族所有。其建築的功能類型,原為狹長形市街商店住宅,具有街屋和合院兩種特質,後因改建又增添公寓與平房兩類;而建築的平面布局原應為三落二過水帶左右廂房,在使用者的修建以及空間用途的改變下,逐漸與傳統建築之布局相異。近代隨著臺北市急速的都市化,現今基地上的建築風格變成具有傳統漢式、洋式和現代三種不同文化的建築類型,呈現不同時代的產物。由於歐陽氏在清代與日治時期擔任官職,並且曾在此宅開設船頭行與醫院,其經營行業具有時代的代表性;謝氏則將此宅作為旅社、公共浴池和雜貨店,反應當時艋舺的商業需求,加上建築風格變遷之歷程,可將此宅第視為艋舺發展的縮影之一。本文試圖探討謝宅從漢式傳統建築到現今的演變,以及在文化、經濟與居住者改變的因素下,如何脫離傳統、融入現代。 本研究以艋舺謝宅為研究對象,期望呈現該宅現代化歷程之演變。首先透過訪談、照片和文獻搜集,了解環境變遷、家族背景、教育與經商狀況,以此釐清兩家族的文化和生活差異;其次以觀察和測繪建築體,記錄現況的圖面與影像,並輔文獻資料與訪談,建構復原平面圖,梳理家族背景與居住空間的關連性。將上述整理的資料分以區域、文化和技術三項,探討艋舺謝宅建築現代化之因,跳脫用設計者的觀點分析,而嘗試以居住者角度理解。居住者如何接受外在經驗,辨別進步與落後,進而主動實踐,由此確認該宅為何喪失原先傳統的根基,現代經驗又如何取代傳統。


The Hsieh’s House in Mengjia has lasted over three periods: the Qing Dynasty, Japanese governed period, and the Nationalist government period, in possession of the Ouyang and the Hsieh family respectively. The original function of the house was business dwelling in a shape of narrow width and deep length, including both features of a street house and an enclosure-courtyard. Shortly after, the house was rebuilt and added with another two features: an apartment and a flat house. In short, dwellers’ repairs and preference for space functions gradually changed its structure from a traditional design style of “3 main buildings, 2 secondary buildings, and 2 courtyards” into a different one. With Taipei City’s rapid modernization, the Hsieh’s House now has three different cultural architectural types: the traditional Han, Western, and modern style, each of which represents various era and reflects its contemporary style. During the Qing Dynasty and the Japanese governed period, the Ouyang family served in the government and ran a trading shop and a hospital in the house. Both businesses demonstrated contemporary features well. Next, the Hsieh family ran the house as a hotel, public bathroom, and grocery store, which all reflected commercial needs in Menjia then. The business oriented-usage and the process of style changes made the Hsieh’s House a living history of Menjia. This research tries to illustrate the modernization timeline of the Hsieh’s House from the perspective of architectural changes, and discovers the factors influencing the modernization of the house from the aspect of culture, economics, and two family inhabitants.   First, the author conducted a field work to clarify two families’ cultures and living habits, including their environmental changes, family backgrounds, educations, and businesses through interviews, photos, and paper data gathering. Next, the author re-constructed the site plan of the house by mapping and drawing. Based on the previous collected paper data and interviews, the author attempted to picture relevance between the two families and the dwelling space. Finally, the author categorized the above data into three aspects: regional, cultural, and technical factors, to demonstrate the process of the modernization of Hsieh’s House. From the viewpoint of dwellers rather than designers, the author attempted to infer how the dwellers accepted external experiences, distinguished modern from old-fashioned, and actively practiced modernization themselves. In the end, the author could finally picture the process of how the house lost its tradition and how modern experiences replaced tradition.


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