

消費社會的來臨,大量的功能物隨之不斷加速置換,人在龐大的社會機器底下,就像是一部慾望機器,並隨著慾望的流竄與龐大的社會機器作溝通或切斷,繼而帶動整個消費生產體制的運作成長,並且又回過頭來刺激著人類的慾望,如此的循環運作,卻常讓人們陷入了一種無法跳脫的「無窮迴圈」? 作者延伸電腦程式「迴圈」一詞,藉以隱喻在物化的社會容器底下,經過生產消費機制的一連串操作,所造成功能物的不斷誕生與死亡的一種循環狀態,而當人處於物世界裡的複雜場域,經常受其牽制及影響自我觀看,繼而衍生出一連串生活中失衡的社會性格,因此作者將針對「物與需求」之間奇特的運作現象,作一個互相辯証的迴圈式切入探討。 作者提出「離線狀態」及「城市記憶模型」兩件互動數位裝置作品,並以之來作「迴圈下的失衡」之議題探討。本論文將會針對「物」從古代到現代的演進,剖析「物」對每個時代的意義,接著從「物」映照到人本身,並試圖從德勒茲的慾望機器進行人體慾望的解剖探討,最後身體與物相互映照,並進行思索「物與需求」迴圈這樣一個影響當代社會發展的特殊議題,繼而延伸並作為作者一連串創作的題材。除此,本文也將針對「物」偽功能性的涉入與科技藝術的連結作更進一步的探討。最後,作者亦將作佈展經驗分享及探討科技藝術創作者跨媒體的困境與創作歷程之心得感想。


Every since the Industrial Revolution, the “social machine” of capitalist society has mass produced all sorts of objects with increasing efficiency to meet the demands of individual humans acting as “desire machines.” We see feedback loops of increasing consumption and production leading to increasing demand and desire leading again to increasing consumption and production, and so on. This “infinite loop” of creation and obsolescence raises questions about individual creativity – the “social machine” pushes individuals towards conformity. Creativity unorthodox minds shape social character – “instability in loops.” This thesis investigates the feedback loop of “object and desire.” I begin by looking at the production of objects across history, and the meaning of objects to different eras. These objects illuminate the human character; and I place this work in the context of Gill Deleuze’s celebrated theory of the “desire machines.” I describe two of my interactive art installations: “Offline” and “Memory Models In City,” in the context of loop instability. By looking both at the body and the history of objects, I show how these loops influence contemporary society – a discussion illustrated in my art installations – which I discuss both theoretically and present my actual experiences, particularly the complexity of “crossing media” to technology artists.


[16]米歇爾•傅柯(Michel Foucault)著,劉北成譯,《規訓與懲罰--監獄的誕生》,桂冠出版社,1992年 12月。
[2]雷諾•博格 (Ronald Bogue)著,李育霖譯,《德勒茲論文學》,麥田出版,2006年06月。
[8]尚•布希亞 (Jean Baudrillard) 著,蔡崇隆譯,《消費社會與消費慾望》,當代,第65期 。

