  • 學位論文


A Geometric and Proportional Analysis of Traditional Courtyard Architecture:Illustrated by Chang-Liao’s Family Temple

指導教授 : 邱博舜


隨著時代進步與價值觀的改變,現今傳統建築式樣廟宇也隨著日漸富裕的生活,體現在它華麗的裝飾上,甚至裝飾已經喧賓奪主的宣稱自己才是要角;面對傳統建築式樣在形體比例上的失序,檢視傳統建築的比例和諧可以了解傳統匠師體系下對形式掌控的原則,讓我們在面對未來設計時有參考的依據。在眾多的傳統建築與傳統建築裝飾的研究論文,已經有許多針對建築技術、營造程序、設計工具、空間位序以及裝飾圖像涵義作研究;但這些研究對真正匠藝設計的建築形式比例與構圖原則並無法深入探究。本論文提出一個觀點,傳統建築的比例權衡是匠師設計時重要的知識;所以嘗試直接以比例的角度,藉由作圖分析的方式,以幾何與比例的特性,檢視傳統建築形體與裝飾其整體與各局部間,體現的比例與規律,了解這些比例規律在空間層次的構圖手法與秩序,以此為一個新視窗來觀看傳統建築的設計方法。 在案例分析中,發現此棟傳統建築平面與架棟,均受模矩影響安排整體佈局,具有一定的比例規律,建立主從次序;而局部構件也受主體構件制約,達到整體的平衡與和諧;細部裝飾的構圖手法也因為空間不同而有不一樣的形式佈局,藉此呈現各自的空間屬性。經由這個案例分析了解到,傳統建築的確有一套比例系統統合整體與局部,達到形式美的各種原則。因此希望藉由這些知識性的建構成果,除了能更加了解傳統建築的設計觀念,為未來設計提供一個新的參考依據,更希望能帶領大家思考這些未被觸及的領域。 關鍵詞:台中張廖家廟、傳統合院建築、幾何、比例


With the progress of time and the change of values, the temples of traditional architecture nowadays reflect the rich lives on the splendid decoration which even plays the leading role. Due to the disorder of form proportion of traditional architecture, the review on the proportional harmony in traditional architecture allows us to study the principle of traditional craftsman system on the control of the forms and functions as the criterion for future Design. In many research papers with respect to traditional architecture and decoration of traditional architecture, we have already found various studies on architecture skills, construction process, design tools, spatial order and the meaning of decorative images. However, the analysis in these studies does not reveal in-depth exploration of proportional principle in terms of the architecture type of real craftsmanship design. This paper suggests that the proportional weighing of traditional architecture is the critical knowledge in the design of the craftsmen. Thus, we try to examine the proportion and regularity between the forms of traditional architecture and partial and overall decoration by the geometric and proportional characteristics to probe into the constructing technique and order of the proportional regularity in the space to examine the design of traditional architecture. In the case analysis, we find that the structural plane and structure of this traditional architecture follow the rules of proportionality, namely the primary and secondary sequence, thus the scale could influence the overall layout. Also, the local components are restrained by the main structure, in order to achieve a balance and harmony. The composition techniques of detailed decorations vary according to space, thus present a variety of layouts and individual space features. This case analysis shows that traditional architecture has a set of proportion system to integrate the overall and local parts, in order fulfill the principles of aesthetics. We hope that the constructive knowledge could help others understanding the design concepts of traditional architecture, provide a new reference base to future architectural design, and inspire further deliberation on those untouched areas. Keywords: Chiang-Liao family temple’ traditional architecture’ decoration’ geometry’ proportion


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