  • 學位論文


Foreign Land Visitors-Remember this City Night Winking

指導教授 : 趙宇修


從記憶的片段、已定型的成見以及我實實在在身處的這座城市,連結了筆者心緒而映現的人事物及所有情緒、所有光景,藉由有對色五識-眼根看見色塵、耳根聽見聲塵、鼻根聞見香塵、舌根嘗見味塵、身根感見觸塵及不可見無對色的法塵,五根六塵經過符號轉化,將一切色法描繪成屬於我的城市意象,在反覆的觀想和內化,不斷的將對這座城市的情意反覆疊加在這段記憶的時空,讓我同過去、現在、未來發生的當下深刻留念,乃至對於這座城市濃烈的感受。 習於將五識所覺,以及當下內心的感受揉合成作品,我將所見片段以及內化後的情意反映在創作之上,並讓作品呈現出一種非寫實也非抽象的游離樣態。一方面是以追憶的方式,擷取已逝去的、現在的、未來可能的,再現個人回憶的景象;再者亦透過五根六塵招喚對自身記憶與這座城市的關注,從時空光景連結回憶的穿梭之中,則確認了「當下」,而在這種對自我的存在的確認過程中,找到自我實現。 創作的媒材以水墨為主,繪畫對筆者來說是一種再現自然以及表達內化情感的形式。作品時常出現有如書法運寫的黑色墨線以及低飽和的色彩,規律而緊湊的筆觸、不斷重複而堅硬的肌理、似有若無的色塊,將五根對這座城市所緣,以及法塵對這座城市所感,高樓矗然而立、人潮車陣喧囂、入夜後閃爍的霓虹以及夜生活的糜爛,乃至於最後曲終人散、一切歸於寂靜而空虛。因此畫面形成純黑與色彩的拉鋸,用色直接的暗喻了畫面想呈現的時空和情感,無非是我一介異鄉遊子對這城市生活的點滴感受。 一開始是從腦海中去尋找關於這座城市的記憶樣貌,直到實在的生活在這個場域,我的創作加入了自身在這座城市經歷的生命經驗,並且藉由五根六塵感官的刺激,將所感的光影、味道與聲音描述這城市入夜後的明滅意象,而創作的核心從反省自我的內在來淨化感官帶給身心的昇華,就像是從這個內觀的儀式當中,來更加了解自己,並且賦予這座城市本身擬人的情感,從自我的自說自話、城市與我的對話、城市自我的呢喃,由這種有機與無機物象的情感交流來表達寂暗中顯化喧明的狀態,並且將當下深刻的感受藉由創作來描寫在處的情境,而創作本身的呈現,都是採用直幅的長條,我認為這樣的尺幅更能夠增加建築物高聳的壓迫感,而選用墨與簡單的設色我認為更能夠直接的感受到創作它最原始的精神,而不會被過多的裝飾掩蓋情感的訴說,基底材則是選用中國傳統的宣紙,因為這種紙本身就能夠將墨這種顏料發揮出最極致的渲染效果,並且可以很自然的將平面的繪畫呈現出立體的效果,工具的選用則是使用毛筆,毛筆本身能夠書寫出各種不同的線質,我認為這可以很精確的傳達創作者當下的精神與情感狀態,然後藉由這些來描寫我心中的這座城市,讓它能夠承載更多意義、更多故事、更多感受,讓這城市夜的明滅經由異鄉遊子的詮釋,能夠觸動你,也感動自己。


感官 符號 記憶 生命經驗 當下 水墨


From fragments of memory, fixed stereotypes, and myself living in this city itself, the author's current mood is linked and reflected in the people, events, and things, and all the emotions and time scenery are identified through the five senses - Eyes are used to see the scenery, ears are used to hear sounds, the nose is used to smell fragrant, the tongue is used to taste, and the body is used to feel and touch visible objects. Awareness is created by the five senses; and awareness is used to select and separate, allowing what is smelt, heard, eaten, and touched, to be transformed into symbols that depicts the image of the city which belongs to me. Through repeated observation, contemplation, and internalization, thoughts and feelings towards this city are continuously superimposed in the space-time of this memory, letting occurrences from my past, present and future form a memento, and even form strong feelings towards this city. Accustomed to blending what is felt and the emotions of the moment into works, I reflect my fragments and internalized feelings on my creations, and allow my work to reflect something that is neither realistic nor abstract. On one hand, it is a way to recall, capturing moments in the past, present, and possible future, and show my personal memories of the scene. On the other hand, attention towards my memory and this city is summoned through seeing, smelling, tasting, hearing, and touching. “The moment” is confirmed from the back-and-forth linkage of time and scenery memories. And in this sort of self-confirmation process, self realization is found. The creations mainly use ink as medium. To the author, painting is a form of reproducing nature and expressing internalized emotions. Calligraphy-like black ink and low-saturated colors often appear in the works. Regular and compact strokes, continuous hard texture, seemingly present color patches, the five senses are used to experience the surroundings of this city and the feelings towards this city that rise from subsequent awareness determination. Appearance of high-rise buildings, noisy crowds and cars, flashing neon lights during the night, and debauchery nightlife, until even after the curtains fall, everything returns to silence and emptiness. Therefore, the images form two types style: pure black and color. The color used is metaphorical for the space-time and emotions that are present in the picture. It is nothing but my every single feeling towards life in this city, as a stranger in a foreign land.


senses symbol memory life experience moment ink


汪瑜菁 撰,〈具象藝術作品的情感傳達-論 Rothko Chapel 作品〉,《議藝份子》第9期。
