  • 學位論文

加布里埃爾•佛瑞 作品編號六十一《美好的歌》的研究與詮釋報告 以第一首至第五首為例

The Analysis and Interpretation of Gabriel Faure’s La Bonne Chanson Op. 61 No. 1-5

指導教授 : 林惠珍


佛瑞在法文聯篇歌曲方面的成就是獨一無二的,在其創作生涯中期,連篇歌曲就佔了歌曲數量的三分之一,而《美好的歌》(La Bonne Chanson)就是佛瑞中期最具代表性的作品之一。於1845年出生的佛瑞,如何有著他獨樹一格的音樂風格?除了不可忽略的自身性格、家庭背景、學習經歷等等的關係之外,也是與這「美好年代」緊緊相扣,造就了他那令人著迷的音樂風格。本詮釋報告主要的內容是從各方面做出詩詞與音樂的分析,進而探討音樂與詩作的關聯性,來掌握此組聯篇歌曲更正確的詮釋方式。


佛瑞 美好的歌


Gabriel Faure got a great achievement in the field of French art song cycle in his whole life, the Op.61 La Bonne Chanson is one of the representative work of his works. How can he get the achievement like that? Not only because his personality, family’s background, past experiences and so on but also because the time that we call the “Belle Epoque.” In this article, writer will analyze and interpret this song cycle from many ways like tonality, cadence, motifs, and the relationship between lyrics and melody to have the more accurate ways to sing this work.


Gabriel Faure La Bonne Chanson


Noske, Frits. French Songs from Berlioz to Duparc; the Origin and Development of the Melodie, revised by Rita Benton and Frits Noske, translated by Rita Benton(New York, Dover, 1970.
Nectoux, Jean-Michel. Gabriel Faure: A Musical Life. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1991.
Johnson, Graham. Gabriel Faure: The Songs and their Poets, Guildhall Pub, 2009.
Phillips , Edward R. Gabriel Faure:a guide to research. New York:Garland Pub, 2000.
Sadie, Stanley. The New Grove Dictionary of Music and Musicians Grove’s Dictionaries Inc:New York, 2001 Second Edition.
