  • 學位論文


Regional Revitalization, Popular Culture, and Museums: A Study of The “Yokai’s City” Project in Sakaiminato City, Tottori Prefecture in Japan

指導教授 : 黃貞燕


大約從90年代以來,日本各地陸續出現了一些「動漫畫主題博物館」,吸引許多動漫迷前往觀光。值得注意的是,動漫畫雖為商機盎然之營利產業,其主題博物館卻大多是公立的地方小型館舍。與其說建館是為了紀念作者作品,不如說是把動漫畫和博物館當成都市建設、地方振興的「工具」,其身負樹立文化品牌、帶動當地產業與文化觀光的使命。 日本鳥取縣境港市在地方發展的潮流之中,1989年開始利用水木茂妖怪漫畫和博物館概念進行地方振興,「博物館」在此不侷限於硬體建築內,而是類似於生態博物館的狀態—境港全境為一座「妖怪博物館」,並將妖怪主題內化至城市的軟硬體之中,意圖創造一個新的「妖怪傳統」。境港地方振興確實成功建立了一個文化品牌、為當地帶來廣大的觀光效益,使其從沒落小型海港轉生成頗具盛名的妖怪之鄉。本研究即鎖定境港案例,分三方面進行探討:一、從政策面、文化面說明地方振興、動漫畫、博物館結合之背景;二、境港「妖怪之鄉」振興計畫沿革、特色與影響(包含提振產業、發展觀光及文化品牌等);三、博物館概念在境港地方振興中的角色扮演。除了藉由境港案例釐清地方振興、通俗文化、博物館之間的關連與應用,也期待研究成果能為國內相關領域提供一些參考。


Since the 1990’, animation and comic museums have bloomed across Japan and become popular among the animation fans. It is worth noting that they were mostly founded by the local government instead of by the authors or the private enterprises. And they functioned much more as “tools” for regional development rather than just to commemorate the authors and their works. They are expected to set up regional culture brands, and to promote economic development and cultural tourism. Mizuki Shigeru’s comics and museum have been used as regional revitalization in Sakaiminato City, Tottori Prefecture in Japan since 1989. In that case, the concept of museum is not only architecture, but an eco-museum, which means the whole Sakaiminato is like a museum of “yokai” (demon). They use “yokai” as a theme and integrate it into both the city’s software and hardware facilities in attempt to create a brand-new “yokai tradition”. And it worked to turn this downfallen seaport into a famous “city of yokai.” This research is focused on the the following three aspects in the Sakaiminato case: 1. The connection and application among regional revitalization, animations and comics, and museums from the policy and culture points of view. 2. The process, specialty and influences of the “Yokai’s City” Project in Sakaiminato on its economics, tourism and culture brand. 3. How the museum functioned in the project. This research aims to find out the relation and application among regional revitalization, popular culture and museums and to contribute the result to our nation.


Schwarzer, Marjorie. 2006. Riches, Rivals, And Radicals: 100 Years of Museums in America. Washington, DC: American Association of Museums.


