

摘要 藉由《紅底白點—其實看起來都一樣》、《射擊遊戲》、《Sorry I am feeling a little cold》、《塑膠袋們》、《流理台下-瓶蓋們》、《洗石子》等作品,試圖釐清我和別人,我和環境,別人和環境間的關係是如何透過物品產生連結。講述現成物如何在社會中和使用者交互影響和其所代表的意涵,創作中有一種去消費化的機制,因為在套入創作思維後所再製的狀態是一種多元性的事件,已不再是物品所代表的單一消費性指標。   第一章從個人對日常生活的觀察談起,以照片影像作為切入點,討論物品的社會性語彙和倫理。第二章解釋何謂日常現場,比較個人創作和藝術家間的異同。第三章比較物品在生活和展場中差異,檢視創作脈絡。最後對將文體回歸到個人對生活的閱讀與感知。


Summary Through my works: Through my works:《Red Background White Spot—They All Look The Same》、《The Shooting Game》、《Sorry I Am Feeling A Little Cold》、《Plastic Bags》、《 Kitchen cabinets》、《Stones In The Washing Machine》these creations, I tried to interpret the daily necessities in society, how to become an all everyone recognized vocabulary. Through the daily necessities I want to understanding the relationship between me and other people and the environment,how to interactive and interconnected . I consider the people and the daily necessities will influence each other. My creation have one kind of mechanism,About to delete the consumable nature of the daily necessities . Because when daily necessities become a kind of creative thinking, this will be a multi-faceted event is not only a single indicator of consumer goods,but also that 's why the reason of the social production of daily necessities Chapter one begins from my personal observation on daily life. I use the photographs as a starting point to discuss the role that objects play in people’s daily lives and the message they give to their lives. In chapter two, I define the topic of “Fuss” and compare my works with other artists. In chapter three, I compare the differences between the objects play while being used in their living places and being used in exhibitions. Upon examining my works, I reflect upon how it all connected back to my life and my perspectives on life.


《日常生活心理病理學》/佛洛伊德著/鄭希付譯/ 2000知書房出版
《神話學》/羅蘭.巴特著/許綺玲譯/ 1997桂冠出版
《消費者行為》/Michael R. Solomon著陳志銘等譯/2005台灣培生教育出版有限公司初版
