  • 學位論文


A Study of the Contemporary Significance of Body in Antony Gormley’s Sculpture

指導教授 : 廖仁義
共同指導教授 : 林章湖


安東尼•葛姆雷(Antony Gormley,1950 ~),是目前英國最活耀的當代雕塑家之一。1972年曾經遊歷中東各國,並且在印度學習到佛教中簡易的冥想 - 「內觀」(Vipassana Meditation),也因此影響他思考身體與看待身體的方式,身體空間的問題成為他在作品中的重要探索,同時,創作上也討論身體處於世界的狀態,或是社會中個體與群體之間的關係,雕塑創作成為他思考如何在一個身體範圍內傳遞出人處於世界的經驗。葛姆雷如何以雕塑的方式透過身體來具體化存在?以有形的藝術作品闡釋無形的思想?而他想闡述與析辯的存在又是什麼?他的藝術創作如同一連串的哲學思辯。 20世紀身體理論的發展也影響著美學的發展,使身體成為一個具主動創造力的場域,而對身體的重新解釋也促使美學獲得新的立足點。本論文以葛姆雷的雕塑作品研究為主,筆者試圖將他的作品分析放置於當代雕塑的脈絡中,與當代對身體的認知背景下,從身體展示的型態論述到身體隱喻的揭露,以此來了解藝術家如何透過身體的再現及物質性的詮釋表達出對生命的看待;希望藉由對葛姆雷的研究,發現身體在當代雕塑中的映現及其可能性,以此檢視當代身體所處的狀態,並了解如何透過藝術創作來認知身體。


Antony Gormley(1950 ~) is one of the most active contemporary sculptors, who traveled through the middle East to learn the Vipassana Meditation in India. This experience affected the way he perceived and treated a body. Therefore, the question of the space that the body occupies played an important part in his works, and he proceeded to explore this aspect of the body in his works from 1972 onwards. In the meantime, he explored not only the state of a body in the world but also the relationship between an individual and a group in the society in his works. For him, making a sculpture is a way to think of how to pass the message of human experience in the frame of a body in the world. How did Gormley try to embody the idea of being by using the body in his sculptures? How did he try to explain invisible thought by visible artwork? What kind of being did he try to expound and analyze? For Gormley, the process of creating art is like a series of questions and answers which philosophers are searching for. The development of theories about the body affected the esthetics in the 20th century. As a result, the body became an active place of creativity. This new translation of the body led to the preferred perspective of esthetics. In this thesis, I will focus on Gormley’s sculptures. I try to analyze Gormley’s works with the view of understanding a body in the contemporary art world. From the discourse of body display to the body metaphor, we can understand how the artist presents his idea of life by representing and interpreting a body. In the research of Antony Gormley, I hope to find out the possibility of presenting the body in contemporary sculptures to examine the state of body and to understand how we get conscious of our bodies through Gormley’s sculptures.


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