

從生活中體驗是很個人的行為,而藝術的創作表達出我對生活中經驗的出口,不斷接觸身旁的人、事、物及周遭環境,產生的各種互動,讓我不斷地湧現新的想法。 探討與繪畫的本質,我們無法改變現在混亂的生態甚至世界目前的處境,但我回歸自己本身將藉由藝術表現個人慾望來說出對世界的一個觀感。 把寵物箱視為百寶箱,盒子的各個角度透過視覺去窺探,在裡面的內容物、空間、雕塑性和色彩,裡面裝進了我們所想擁有的,也裝入這個世代的社會觀點。深入到人心自私慾望的所求,提著寵物箱到處行走一種與身體合一,訴說這世代缺乏心靈彼此信任與信心,需借由寵物來相伴,於是就把自己的慾望裝入寵物箱內,來暫時滿足一下心裡那個填不滿的空缺。 「私慾空間的秘密」系列作品的呈現,作者把心中慾望追求的畫面放入寵物箱裡,可以聯想或猜測人、風景與寵物之間的互動,最後深深期盼觀看者透過作品所探討的議題,讓人們的內心官感可以暫時回歸到原始的世界。




Experiencing life is a very personal matter, and creating art is my way of expressing those experiences. Interacting with people, situations, objects and environments continuously inspires new ideas for me to create. Exploring the nature of painting, we cannot change the chaotic condition of our world and environment. But, I look deep into myself, and reflect my personal wishes and perceptions about the world onto my art. By viewing pet box as a treasure box, one can detect meaning in all its corners through visual analysis. Within the box, social values are contained, and its content, space, sculpted nature, and color come to represent things we desire. Probing deeply into one’s soul to seek out innermost desires while walking with the pet box, the box becomes a part of the body. It becomes a depiction of a society where trust among people is lost and pets have substituted people as companions. By placing one’s desires into the pet box, the soul’s void is temporarily made whole. In the "Secrets in the Space of Desire" series, the artist places images of her innermost desires into a pet box, so that associations or predictions can be formed regarding her interactions with those people, scenes, or pets. Through topics discussed in this artwork, viewers are brought temporarily back to the original and pure state of the world.




《造型藝術在資本主義裏的功能》MARTIN DAMUS著 吳瑪悧 譯 1996 遠流出版
《空中庭園》角田光代著 鍾蕙淳 譯 2007 麥田出版
《意識革命-人類心靈的終極探索》 史坦尼斯拉弗•葛羅夫&郝爾•吉娜•班奈特 方明 譯 1997 心靈成長叢書
《石田徹也遺作集》 (大型本) 石田 徹也 著
《馬格利特》 Suzi Gablik 著 項幼榕 譯 1999 遠流出版

