  • 學位論文


The Study on the Building of Public Elementary School in Taichung-chou during the Japanese Occupation Period

指導教授 : 黃士娟


日治時期臺灣的教育,將原有中國書院教育轉變成日本來帶入之新式教育,無論課程、學園空間、學校組織皆產生許多變化,而臺灣學校校園與建築的設計則沿襲日本國內經驗加以修改使其更符合臺灣本地使用。 透過對日本明治維新之後至二次大戰之前初等教育史料與官方對學校設計相關資料,並對照臺灣本地初等教育史料,從中瞭解初等教育制度在殖民地臺灣所產生的變異與適應而轉化,其重點著重在學校校園設計、規劃、配置等演變,藉此瞭解官方所期望的初等教育校園空間為何。 再以日治時期臺中州範圍內之初等教育學校建築之官方史料、當時報章資料、各校現今仍保留之史料進行深入探討,藉此瞭解官方期望與實際使用之校園空間的差異,再者因臺中州因文團鼎盛與經歷1935年中部大地震,使臺中州所屬之初等教育學校規模、建築物設計與結構都其特色。


Taiwanese education transferred to the new mode of education, which was introduced into Taiwan by Japan, from traditional Chinese academic education during the Japanese occupation period. Numerous changes happened in courses designs, campus spaces, and school organizations. With reference to the local experiences in Japan, the designs of Taiwanese school buildings had been corrected to fit the needs of local Taiwanese education. Through the Japanese historical documents of elementary education and campus design during the period between Meiji-restoration and the World War Two as well as the Taiwanese local documents of elementary education, this research investigates how the institutions of Taiwanese elementary education transfer during the occupation period. The changes focused on the designs, plans, and allocations of campus spaces. Based on the analysis above, this research further explores what were the governmental expirations about campus designs of elementary schools. This study further discovers the differences of campus usages between expectation of Japanese government and the reality by analyzing the historical data of elementary school buildings in Taichung-chou as well as the former newspapers and magazines. Moreover, because of the effects of plenty art groups in Taichung-chou and the earthquake in 1935, the designs and structures of elementary school buildings In Taichung-chou had their own distinguish characteristics.


1902 《臺灣學事法規》。
1913 《臺灣學事法規》。
