  • 學位論文


Remembrance,Images and Narration of Micro-stories

指導教授 : 陳愷璜


在這一篇論文中我將以詩、小說以及電影作為我討論作品的參照。而這些因素通常影響我創作的過程,我希望藉由這些要素去討論作品更為細緻的層面。我期望依藉創作去展開我自身內外的總和,創作者與作品的關係在這裡引用電影「聽媽媽的話」裡老師向雨貝述說的一段話:「你就像深海裡的魚盲目地游著,身上散發著光芒,你用看似現代的方式在複雜的社會中遨游,但你的詩歌透露出一種舊時的脆弱和感傷。」在我的作品總是透露一股懷舊及不合時宜的氛圍,我想大部份的原因與我內部實質內涵有著極大的關係。 我試著提出各個作品中的連結,某種程度上作品之間以一種細微交織的狀態下相互牽制著,或許創作時間前後並非連貫。大體而言,作品裡會有影像、敘事與記憶的時延。欲感受凝結的影像與文字相互緩慢存在的細微邊界,讓作品看似有一種敘事性的結構。關於影像中的敘事性,我常用文字去表達與記錄日常的微小感觸,並透過記憶去理解這些文字,再透過影像去連結所謂我營造的記憶氛圍。 The story never ends. 我想要成為一個說故事的人(The Storyteller)。 藉由影像去形塑我想述說的故事,每則故事都讓我從中定義自己。這些故事,事實上是日常、親密的,一個從內部關係的總和。記憶與當下,我想那不是絕對的斷裂和延續,而是一種以錯縱複雜的方式交纏於個人生命中,為生命帶來深沉的存在感。以記憶作為一個開啟自我的關鍵,重新回顧自己過去的追尋,於是揭開書寫。


記憶 影像 微型敘事 擬造 消逝


In this paper, my works are all established on poetry, novels and also movies as reference. And above of those elements usually influence my creative processes. I hope those elements can work me through a more detailed level of my work. Depends on my work, I look forward to extend inside out of myself with the relationship between creator and work. 《Tu es un poisson des grandes profondeurs. Aveugle et lumineux. Tu nages en eaux troubles avec la rage de I'ere moderne, mais avec la poesie fragile d'un autre temps.》- quoted from "J'ai tue ma mere." It means "You're a fish from great depths: blind and luminous. You're swimming in troubled waters with modern world's rage, but with the frail poetry of another era." In my own work, It reveals some atmosphere of reminiscent and outdated. I believe most of the reason that it's all about the internal substance of my mind. I try to put those connections of my work forward. In some kind of level, my works are all restrained and subtle with each other. Perhaps the time I created not all consistent. In general, those works included image, narrative and memory extension. To feel the solidification of the images between those characters, they slowly exist around the border, but not that close. Let the works seems to have the structure of narrative. I always used my words to express and record my feeling around my daily sensitive feeling. Also, I can through those memories to recognize these words. And then go through the images to connect the memory of my so-called "memory atmosphere." The story never ends. I want to be the storyteller. I tell those stories by their shape of images, each story made me learn how to define myself. In fact, these stories are my closely daily life. The one from my internal relationships of my mind. The moment and fact, I think it is not absolute fracture and extension, but rather a kind of twisted way to implicated your personal life. Bring your life to a deeper down presence. As memories of the key to open myself, I looked back of those pursuing time by myself. I start creating and writing.


Remembrance Images Micro-stories Simulation Disappear


米蘭.昆德拉(Milan Kundera)(2004),《生命中不能承受之輕》,尉遲秀譯,皇冠文化。
米歇爾.傅柯(Michel Foucault)(2006),《外邊思維》,洪維信譯,行人文化實驗室。
約翰.伯格、尚.摩爾(John Berger, Jean Mohr)(2007),《另一種影像敘事》,張世倫譯,三言社出版。
