  • 學位論文


“Six Characters in Search of an Author”—the Acting and Exchanging Process of Characterizing Stepdaughter and Mi

指導教授 : 蔣薇華


《 六個尋找作者的劇中人 》 自1921年問世以來,不僅在當時的戲劇界引起廣泛的討論,直至2015年的今日,將近一個世紀的時間以來,這部作品依舊膾炙人口,在各個不同的國家被奉為經典作品,持續被研讀、改編、及搬上舞台演出。細究它的迷人之處就在於,作者皮藍德婁(Luigi Pirandello)試圖讓觀眾在劇場中討論劇場的本質與意義,使演員在舞台上直接面對「表演真實性」的問題,這無疑使得台下的觀眾和台上的演員,在演出進行的當下同時激起內心複雜的反思活動。 此篇論文共有六個章節。第一章,介紹與整理作者皮藍德婁的生平,並對此劇本問世後造成的影響做統一性的整理,據此解釋改編方向;第二章,以文本探討的方式,分析此次扮演的「大女兒」與「咪姐」兩個角色;第三章是對此次扮演角色所作的角色功課;第四章,詳述排練狀況還有本次詮釋手法脈絡與流變;第五章紀錄演出執行的檢討、演後座談會與劇評會的狀況;第六章詳述本次在表演上的成長與反思。


《Six Characters in Search of an Author》has been widely discussed since it was published in 1921. Over a century, this play has been popular in various countries and it has been regarded as a theatrical classic. The glamour of this play is that, the author, Luigi Pirandello, tries to discuss the nature and significance of theater in the theater. It forces the actors to face “the authenticity of acting” directly on the stage, and it tends to arouse the inner reflection of both the audience and the actors during the performance. There are six chapters in this thesis. The first chapter introduces the life of Pirandello, sorts out the influences of the play, and explains the way of adoption. The second chapter analyzes the two roles I played, “the Stepdaughter” and “Mi.” The third chapter describes the process of building the characters. The fourth chapter relates the rehearsal work and the changes of adoption ideas. The fifth chapter reviews my acting performance, and states the show discussion and critics. The sixth chapter records the growth and introspection of this performance.


Luigi Pirandello(路易吉.皮藍德婁)著,黃文捷譯。2009。《一個小說人物的悲劇》。臺北市:遊目族。
Edward Storer. 1922. Three Plays by Luigi Pirandello. New York: E. P. Dutton.
Sogliuzzo, A. Richard. 1982. Luigi Pirandello Director: the playwright in the theater. N.J. : The Scarecrow Press.
Antonin Artaud (翁托南.阿鐸)著,劉俐譯注。2003。《劇場及其複像》。臺北市:聯經。
