  • 學位論文


The Development Process of the”Incredible Rodents ” Exhibit.

指導教授 : 劉德祥


展示作為傳遞訊息的溝通媒體(as a medium of communication),是博物館使命中不可或缺的四大功能之一。而「展示手法」或「展示語言」可以被視為用以表達展示內容的介質,賦予內容在空間中有實體型態的呈現,並且讓觀眾在空間中與這些承載內容的物件和想法相遇(encounter),可以說是博物館展示的最大特質。然而展示的構成以什麼樣的概念組織?展示背後所呈現的思維和運作的意識,又反映了什麼「物」的觀點?進一步,「展示空間」作為展示手法或展示語言的氛圍統籌,又帶給觀眾什麼樣的經驗和影響?觀眾如何主動地解讀、詮釋這些博物館「物」所傳譯的訊息,建構屬於他們自己的意義? 本文以記錄「鼠輩傳奇」特展製作為架構,分為兩階段探討: (一)策展過程:自然史博物館對其收藏物件的詮釋觀點,以及作為展示的構成元素,空間的內涵轉化與美學。 (二)觀眾研究:對展示空間本質的整理思考,以及本次製作之空間設計在展示敘事上扮演的角色(例如:以動線作為展示之敘事手法並輔以不同的展示媒介),並檢視本次策展過程中擬定之設計原則和目標是否完整達到。除了對博物館環境與展示空間等相關文獻耙梳之外,了解空間對學習主體─也就是觀眾吸收展示內容時的影響,並藉由對觀眾的質性訪談結果之分析,進一步檢視意義被觀眾建構過程中之特質和限制。 透過對實際展示發展過程的紀錄、以及後續的評估研究,嘗試在展示形式、手法上提供實際操作方式,並以評估結果提供後續改進的方向,進而對展示空間美學、學習空間設計之思考上,提供更多元的想像和實踐策略。


Exhibition as medium of communication is one of the four conditions of museum. So-called” exhibition methods” and “exhibition languages” are used to expression that how exhibition content reshaped and reorganized by exhibition space. The space is also considered a condition where museum objects and their un-talked meaning encounter. From the knowledge to exhibition content to space design it shifts from “knowing” to ”showing” to ”telling”. The question we try to answer is: What framework help to concrete the exhibition ideas? In what context that objects can talk their own stories? This article was about the temporary exhibition in National Museum of Natural Science called “The Incredible Rodents”. As a record of the exhibition process, it addresses the ways in which the perspectives of natural history museum affect the showing of exhibition. And how those design concepts were built up into an arranged exhibition through transforming the space. The main objective of the study was to provide design solutions in terms of the accessibility of the layout while reducing Museum Fatigue and arousing visitors’ leaning aspiration.


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