  • 學位論文


「Perceiving Space / Body Reading」-The Set Design for Theater Production 《The Vaginal Locus》& Movie Production《The Prometheus Plan》Are Made as The Processes for Self-Review and Awaken.

指導教授 : 王世信




The creative report starts from the role of “Myself. ” Through “body conscious,” people get their sensory organs fully active, which helps themselves to perceive with the space. The stage designer of “myself” is the medium among the directors, the actors, and the audiences. The audience will encode and decode signals from the space through themselves to grasp the information. The mutuality between the audience themselves and the space comes from the mutual call of the sensory between these two subjects. Meanwhile, the space will form as physical area cross over with mental area, becoming the medium of people themselves and their emotion. And I am going to take use of 《The Vaginal Locus》 and 《The Prometheus Plan》 to review the construction process of this performance, “Myself”.


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/ Roland Barthes著,《流行體系(二)》。台北:桂冠圖書,1998。
/ Raoul Bunschoten, Chora著,何炯德譯。《後設空間》。台北:田園城市,2004。
