  • 學位論文


Conservation and Representation of Military Dependents' Villages Culture - A Study on Ways of Dietary Exhibition of Hsinchu City Military Dependents' Villages Museum

指導教授 : 黃貞燕


眷村是臺灣獨有的特殊歷史產物,隨著政府將逐步完成老舊眷村的改建,眷村也將消失;而眷村文化的特質,是體現在被外力所規範的封閉環境下所形成的生活方式,且眷村居民有著各自不同的籍貫、族群、遷移經驗、軍階、軍種等背景因素,聚居在一起互相磨合和互動,使得眷村文化擁有多元且豐富的內涵;當博物館成為保存行動的一種嘗試,眷村博物館透過各種技術製作展示,試圖將眷村與眷村文化再現於博物館之內,以保存即將消失的眷村文化;且由於博物館擁有「詮釋溝通」的特性和對物件保存、研究的功能,藉由分析展示的內容、架構和技術,可以了解博物館如何透過展示詮釋眷村與眷村文化;而博物館中的再現展示,重要的是幫助觀眾適當地了解過去生活的樣貌、重視關係和過程的詮釋,而不僅是器物的收藏和陳列而已;如果對眷村生活方式和博物館的本質沒有深入地理解,便有可能在展示中顯露出過於表面且背離真實的情況。   本研究旨在透過眷村博物館的展示分析,探討現今眷村博物館呈現出的眷村形象,並以新竹市立眷村博物館為主要探討的案例,從眷村的歷史發展和背景脈絡出發,分析眷村文化的特性,並觀察2002到2008年間出現的四座以眷村�眷村文化為主題的博物館,彙整不同的觀點和形式,再以眷村生活中獨特的飲食方式為主軸,進行眷村居民飲食方式的訪談,並對應分析博物館內的飲食方式展示。   本研究發現,眷村博物館展示呈現出的眷村形象趨於均質與單一化,透過對飲食方式的展示物件、生活場景再現和展板文本的分析,可以發現展示對於眷村居民與其飲食方式的多樣性與差異化較少觸及,同時也有過於懷舊和美化的趨勢,無法完整的透過博物館展現眷村的內涵;而在處理以眷村飲食方式和相關生活空間為特點的眷村議題時,博物館應該透過更多元的觀點和深入的研究,從不同階級、背景、地點的角度重新檢視展示內容,進一步將眷村飲食方式的多樣性呈現;期望透過本研究,提醒眷村博物館在詮釋眷村文化時,能提供觀眾更多的思考和討論,才能更有助於眷村與眷村文化的保存。


Military Dependents’ Village is a unique culture product in Taiwan, but it is facing its fate of disappearing too as the government gradually completes its rebuilding of old Military Dependents’ Village. The character of the Military Dependents’ Village culture is that all the inhabitants have different backgrounds, for instance: birth of origin, ethnic groups, experience of migration, military rank, military services, the mixture and interaction of all those elements and its self-enclosed feature enriched and multiplied the culture. Museum then becomes an attempt of preserving this culture; they’ve used all kinds of technique and method to present it, trying to exhibit the culture to the public and also, preserve it; also, “interpretation and communication”, “preservation and research of products” are the important functions of museums, by means of analyzing the products they exhibit, one can understand how museum interprets the culture of Military Dependents’ Village; 'representation' in exhibitions are important for audience to understand the lifestyle of the past, and understand all the elements that made the culture looks like what it is today, it’s not only the display of the collections we see in exhibitions. If one does not deeply understand the lifestyle of Military Dependents’ Village or the essential character of the museum, one will expose their superficial view that’s against the truth when arranging an exhibition.   This research focus on analyzing the exhibitions of museums, discussing what image museums of Military Dependents’ Village nowadays present to the public, especially take Hsinchu City Military Dependents' Villages Museum as a research model. This research started from discussing the history development and its background, analyzing the character of this culture, and also observed and collected different aspects from four particular museums that founded during 2002-2008. This research is basically discussing the unique ways of dietary of the inhabitants in Military Dependents’ Village; also I’ve made interviews of some inhabitants and later on compared to the ways of dietary in exhibitions.   In this research, I’ve analyzed the texts, display object, and diaroma of the exhibition in museum, and discovered that the exhibition in museum about the ways of dietary of inhabitants tend to present a simplified and lack of variety image to the public. Also, the exhibition in museum tend to over emphasize on the reminiscent character, in this case, this made it hard to convey the real meaning that hides inside of a Military Dependents’ Village; as for the issues about living space and the ways of dietary, a museum should cut in from more different aspects and do more deeper research, for instance, people from different classes, backgrounds, places, those are all elements that influences the outcome of the research and how you presents them in an exhibition. I hope to arouse the deeper reflection and discussion not only how a museum interprets the exhibition, but also offer the audience a different view; in this way, it can contribute to the preservation of this special culture.




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宋秉明,2002。社區觀光發展的形成-從修正型社區博物館的概念切入,觀光研究學報,8(1): 71 -83。


