  • 學位論文


Heteroplastic Bodies by Technology

指導教授 : 許素朱


人類利用科技來改造身體的行為,從古代便已不知不覺地在進行中,到了現代更是有像刺青、穿洞等稀奇古怪的方式來改造身體。在科技過度發展的時代,身體被科技異質化更甚。科技帶給人類越來越多的方便及好處,甚至許多人類可做的事情都由科技所替代,也因此模糊了人與科技的關係,而數位科技的發展更混淆了真實與虛擬的界線,好萊烏的特效電影就是最好的例子。因為科技與人類、真實與虛擬的混雜,人類出現了害怕被科技所反撲的焦慮,這也是人們為何要討論界線模糊的原因,作者引用了尚•布希亞( Jean Baudrillard )、保羅•維希留( Paul Virilio )、賽伯人( Cyborgs )、後人類( posthuman )……等理論加以證實與說明,並以莫里斯•梅洛-龐蒂( Maurice Merleau-Ponty )等專家的觀點,探討心靈與身體作為感知的主體性問題。 在本論文,作者以「身體之外」、「詭體」兩件藝術創作作品來闡述本論文主題「科技中的異質化身體」。「身體之外」這件互動裝置數位藝術作品,以沉浸式虛擬實境的方式,由參與者配戴頭戴式顯示器沈浸於虛實結合的空間裡,藉由身體之外的虛擬分身控制參與者身體的行動,讓參與者在奇妙的感官經驗中感受虛擬與自身的主從關係;「詭體」是另一件數位攝影結合數位類比轉化的作品,藉由模仿虛擬與真實之間那扭曲變形的身體,來說明真實、虛擬和影像的關係,作者欲以這兩件作品來闡述本論文的主題─「科技中的異質化身體」。除此,作者也深入分析了國際相關作品與作者作品之異同。在作品展出後,特別提出“破綻”的存在必要性問題探討,以提供作品未來繼續發展的方向參考。 作者透過作品來探討異質化的身體,進而更加了解了自己,因為作品在有意識或無意識中同時表現出作者的「我」,甚至被探討著。而在這人類被科技終結的資訊暴力時代中,作者藉由「科技中的異質化身體」論文,來作一個思維上的宣洩。


Body modification has an ancient history, as can still be observed in aboriginal peoples. In contemporary culture, common techniques include tattoos and piercing. I discuss a growing trend of digital heteroplasticity -- the electronic grafting onto skin of different features -- as best illustrated by the modification of human bodies in Hollywood special effects. This in turn reflects our growing dependence on technology and the verisimilitude of modern digital techniques -- to the point where the boundary between the "real" and the "virtual" ceases to be well-defined. Such changes are not necessarily benign, and there is a deep fear associated with them -- creating "boundary anxiety"; which I explore in examination of writings of Jean Baudrillard, Paul Virilio, and artists (or collectives) with the pseudonyms ""Cyborgs" and "Posthuman"; while using a framework of dualism based on Maurice Meleau-Ponty. I illustrated my points by discussing two of my artworks: "Out of Body" in which the viewer wears a head-monitor and enters virtual-reality -- raising the question of whether the participant controls the avatar or vice-versa and "Weirdware" which is an artwork that combines digital photography and digital-analogue conversion, creating spiral deformations of images of the body. I contrast my work with contemporary art, and discuss the importance of "flaws" as a creative fount. As the old philosopher's chestnut, "who am I?", we find that digital heteroplastic manipulation leaves the question open to interpretation, and I ponders to what extent this "frees my mind."


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