  • 學位論文


A Study on the Conservation Mechanism of Antiquities of the Indigenous People of Taiwan

指導教授 : 林會承


2005年,施行新版「文化資產保存法」(以下簡稱:「文資法」或第二版「文資法」)。該法的施行為文化資產的保存工作帶來新的觀念與局面,原住民文化資產也開始大放異彩;在各類別資產中,本研究以原住民古物作為探討方向。 從2005年開始,這幾年間指定與登錄四百多筆古物,當中卻只有四十三筆原住民古物;面對這樣的狀況,本研究分別從原住民古物的特質、「文資法」古物部分的法規內涵與執行情況等方向,分析造成影響保存結果的原因。除了以指定與登錄的四十三筆原住民古物實例,檢視原住民古物指定與登錄的評估方式與法規運作情形,還透過「大南式祖先雕刻屋柱」、「排灣族佳平舊社Zingrur 頭目家屋祖靈柱」及「阿美族太巴塱部落Kakitaan祖屋雕刻柱」等指定實例,檢視後續的實踐工作,透過整體保存現況加以分析、討論,從上述結果找出造成「文資法」中原住民古物指定與登錄結果不彰的原因。 經研究歷程,得出以下的論題: 一、影響原住民古物指定與登錄結果的原因,可從日治時期以來的文化資產保存歷程談起。 二、瞭解原住民古物的特殊性,始能進行相關保存工作,與分析造成指定與登錄結果不彰的可能原因。 三、「文資法」法規並非影響指定與登錄原住民古物結果的主要原因,提報者及法規的執行者等「人」的因素,反而影響更大。 四、從事原住民古物的保存工作時,是需要「物」與「人」的結合,才能確實賦予資產文化意義與價值。


The second amendment of the Cultural Heritage Conservation Law was made in 2005, which brings fresh ideas and broadens the scope of the cultural heritage conservation, especially to the Indigenous cultural heritage. The research would focus on the antiquities of the Indigenous in Taiwan. Only forty-three out of more than four hundred antiquities was appointed and included since 2005. The research analyzes the factors which influence the conservation from the property of the Indigenous antiquities and the content and practice of the Cultural Heritage Conservation Law. The author takes the forty-three Indigenous antiquities in the inclusion list for example to examine the evaluation and practice of the appointment and inclusion of the Indigenous antiquities. In addition, the author analyses and discusses the following work and the contemporary conservation of the “ carved house post with ancestral motif of Taromak Style ”, “ carved central post of Zingrur’s house of Kapian Tribe of Paiwan group ” and “ Amis carved pillar of Kakitaan ancestor house of Tafalong Tribe ” in order to find out the reasons why the inclusion of Indigenous antiquities was ineffective. The conclusion can be divided into four points: 1.The factors which affected the inclusion of the Indigenous antiquities could be traced from the cultural heritage conservation during the Japanese Rule. 2.The conservation could only start and the reasons why the inclusion was ineffective could be discovered until the uniqueness of the Indigenous antiquities was understood. 3.It is not the law but the people who report and practice the Cultural Heritage Conservation Law influence the inclusion of the Indigenous antiquities. 4.The combination of the “material” and “people” assigns cultural meaning and value to the conservation of Indigenous antiquities.


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