  • 學位論文

從爭議到合作: 探討博物館在國際舞台發展的潛力

From Conflict to Cooperation: Museum as the art of Diplomacy

指導教授 : 周文豪


這是一份跨領域的研究論文,以博物館對國際關係的作用力與影響力為基礎,國際博物館案例分析,試圖探討博物館在當今國際環境裡可發展的新領域和視野。研究年代為當代,研究議題則從爭議與國際合作為主,透過目前世界上重要博物館所捲入的爭議,以及博物館如何作為國家間合作的平台案例,讓我們有個具體研究的管道,可以觀察分析博物館、國家、國際組織與外交途徑彼此互動對話的關係;從而了解國家間如何透過博物館做為消除國際衝突矛盾與國際合作與協商的策略,以確定博物館未來在國際舞台發展的新領域與新視野。 內容共分成四個部份:第一章說明這份跨領域論文的研究方法,第二章從歷史分析博物館發展與國家權力發展的關係,第三章分析當代博物館與國際事務的關聯,以及當代新興外交型態與博物館經營理念的共同處,歸納出博物館在21世紀在外交領域的影響力與發展的可能性。 由於目前外交領域和文化領域的互動對話還在起步嘗試的階段,這個研究計畫的成果,或許可以提供給博物館和其他文化工作者一個新的視窗和思考空間,也可以提供給國際關係和外交政策分析的學者一個可參考的分析工具。希望這份研究論文能激起更多人對這個議題的關心和興趣。


The aim of this study is to explore potential cooperation between museums and international public relations, two emerging fields of studies, which are newly being used in the same context. After approaching the origins of the two fields, a review of conceptualizations provides a point of departure for exploring the relationship between the two areas. Art and culture are in the forefront of many countries’ promotional efforts, and these countries recognize that showing their cultural heritage provide them with an opportunity of creating a positive image, thus helping to achieve their political aims. Museums, as the most important cultural institutions, have attracted little scholarly attention, despite the practice’s intersection with a range of subjects (such as cultural diplomacy, the blockbuster exhibitions, national identity, and cultural dialogue etc.), its long history and a substantial investment by many practitioners. The study suggests relationship building as the central principle of both museums and international public relations which can also serve as the central concept upon which the two areas could be further integrated. The study concludes that more integration and cooperation will be needed not only between museums and international public relations to achieve better synergy, but between practitioner and scholars from both spheres to further enhance the theoretical and practical bases of these challenging areas.


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