  • 學位論文


The Analysis and Interpretation of Carl Reinecke’s Concerto for Flute and Orchestra, op. 283.

指導教授 : 劉慧謹


卡爾.萊內克(Carl Reinecke, 1824-1910) 於1908年所創作的長笛協奏曲作品283具有強烈的敘事風格,除音樂性的表達十分富有戲劇張力外,亦包含不少展現高度演奏技巧的樂段,因此深受許多人的喜愛,在國內的音樂會或音樂比賽中也經常被演出。這首樂曲完成於1908年,但樂曲風格彷彿是1850年前後的作品,因此引起筆者欲研究此樂曲的興趣,試圖發現作曲者的創意與獨特的巧思。 第一章為緒論,第二章主要介紹萊內克所處的社會背景與當時普遍的音樂創作特色,第三章則是萊內克的生平簡介,透過這些章節的介紹將能幫助讀者更加了解萊內克的作曲風格。 第四章第一節主要探討此長笛協奏曲的第一樂章,此樂章為奏鳴曲式,萊內克除在旋律方面使用三個主題,使整個樂章的音樂表現更為豐富外,在樂曲段落亦方面使用前後呼應的手法,展現了相當高明的作曲技巧;第二節為第二樂章的探討,此樂章為全曲最富戲劇張力的樂章,內容彷彿在敘述一段悲傷的故事,因此筆者經常以敘事性的方式做詮釋;第三節則探討第三樂章,此樂章為輪旋曲式,共有三種素材分別構成A、B、C等段落,其中樂曲倒數第二小節和聲借用d小調ii7的做法正好與第一樂章第二小節相互呼應,使人留下深刻的印象。 透過對這首樂曲的研究,除了使讀者對樂曲的結構以及作曲者對樂曲巧妙的安排更加了解外,也為演奏者在演奏這首樂曲時提供一種詮釋的參考。


萊內克 長笛 協奏曲 浪漫時期


Carl Reinecke(1824-1910)’s Flute Concerto Op.283, composed in 1908, is in strong narrative style. The music expression of this concerto is full of dramatic tensions, melody lines are very attractive. Many passages in the piece require difficult performing technique. For these reasons, this concerto becomes very popular in concerts and competitions. Although this work was composed in 1908, its musical style is closer to those of 1850’s. Thus, it aroused my interest to study the piece, to know more details of Reinecke’s unique creativity in this Flute Concerto Op.283. Chapter one is Introduction. Chapter two is the biography of Carl Reinecke. Chapter three introduces the social background and the music style in his time. Through these three chapters we understand Reinecke’s composition background and music style. In section one of the chapter four, I discuss the first movement of this flute concerto. The first movement is a sonata form, in which composer uses three themes. The coda of this movement responses to the introduction by using the similar melody, showing the intellectual skills of composition here. In section two, I discuss the second movement; it is the movement with the most dramatic expressions. Because of its strong narrative style, like telling a story of sorrow, I present my interpretations in a narrative way. In section three, the third movement is in rondo form, composed of three music materials A, B, C. The d minor ii7 chord of the last measures of the third movement responses to the second measure of the first movement, this music invention is very impressive.


Reinecke flute concerto romantic


Sadie, Stanley, ed. The New Grove Dictionary of Music and Musicians. 20 vols. London: Macmillan, 2000. S.v. “Reinecke, Carl,” by Reinhold Sietz.
