  • 學位論文


<Excessive> --- Tracing through a performance’s body and mind

指導教授 : 古名伸


筆者自幼跟隨姐姐的腳步因而踏入這塊美麗的舞蹈花園,這24載期間,歷經求學、表演與教學。從離開校園(國立台北藝術大學)後的社會經歷中,深覺自身養分之消融與匱乏,決定於2004年重回培育我成為一名表演者的母校—國立台北藝術大學,進入表演藝術研究所,重啟自我檢視與再學習之大門。因此,在文本中將從《過度》對自身的覺察與探索,談及筆者表演過程中身與心的改變歷程。 其主要架構為:第壹章『前言』,簡述自我的剖析與年幼習舞之過程和進入研究所唸書的初衷。第貳章『《過度》身體觀的啟發』經由武術、禪定和pilates系統的呼吸與覺察方式,內觀並省思靜心、呼吸與覺察三者對筆者表演的助益。第叁章『再教育的身體—以作品為例』,將《過度》三支舞作中的實例經驗與讀者分享自我身心開發的路徑。第肆章『結論』從表演者的自我調適與困境突破,反思身心觀念的改變。並以表演者突破現狀的心得經驗,做為《過度》之後的回顧與前瞻。


I start my dance life by following my elder sister’s steps. After I finished my college study , I devote myself into a career being a teacher and a performer. During those years in my teaching and performing, I deeply realized something gets lost. It’s hard to keep dancing without having nutrition or inspiration. I decide to be a student again in 2004. By studying in Graduate School of Dance Performance, I grow a better understanding to myself. Through exploration in my graduated production , I experienced the evolution process of body and mind from my performance , which I will describe in this paper. The structure of this paper as follows: Chapter One is a brief introduction of my learning experience in dance schools from my young age to the graduated study. Chapter Two will introduce martial art, meditation and pilates system and bring out the meditation, breathing and awareness from these aspects in which I was influenced in a great deal. Chapter Three shares the development of self exploration by tracing the changes from the performance in . Chapter Four is a conclusion which tries to re-exam a performer’s self-struggle and growth through the performances and tries to share the changes in self-awareness in dance. I expect through the experiences incan bring me a new way of thinking in my future performances.


史敏徒譯(民95)。演員自我修養 第一部(史坦尼斯拉夫斯基原著)。中國電影出版社。
史敏徒譯(民95)。演員自我修養 第二部(史坦尼斯拉夫斯基原著)。中國電影出版社。
