  • 學位論文


Hsieh Chieh-Hua•Traces of Self-Discovery

指導教授 : 張中煖


筆者從成大建築系畢業轉而跨界進入舞蹈領域,並完成了畢業製作的創作演出,本論文「謝杰樺.自画痕」是筆者期望利用文字書寫所進行的另外一場創作。在一位沒有專業舞蹈背景,僅憑藉著一顆熱忱的心便毅然決定轉換跑道,改以身體代替工程筆做為創作工具的編舞者身上,到底是什麼事物引領著筆者完成此一歷程,筆者開始對於自己產生好奇。 因此,本文將利用對於自身的描述,循序的從自身的背景一直寫到舞蹈中的自我,最後企圖在這一路的文字描寫中摸索自己的輪廓並找尋人生下一步的方向。本論文共分五個重要章節:第一章 事情是這樣開始的,撰寫本論文的動機以及背景基礎;第二章 「我」與「謝杰樺」,是從「我」這個概念出發,企圖尋找自我的文字歷程;第三章 「謝杰樺」身體內的藝術與科學,是描述自身跨領域的背景,以自身的身體經驗以及思考模式的轉變作為書寫的內容;第四章 謝杰樺看編舞,主要是利用畢業製作【自画 痕】的筆者創作舞作為例,闡明自己對於舞蹈編創的概念與想法;第五章 我是謝杰樺,是從人生過往一路走到畢業製作的文字書寫之後,期望以這樣的自我描述,找尋下人生下一步前進的方向。


舞蹈 編舞 編舞者 謝杰樺 自我敘說


I graduated from architecture department, National Chen Kung University and turned into dance field to pursue my dream. In the spring of 2006, I finish all credits and complete required graduate production under the title “Traces of Self-Discovery” at the Graduate School of Choreography, Taipei National University of the Arts. To me, this thesis is like another choreography with words. I intend to share how I go through the learning and choreographic process with my architecture background and only few years of professional dance training. By starting the writing from my childhood, I want to learn from my own personal history seeking what makes me become today's being. Chapter one is talking about my motivation and the background of this thesis. Chapter two is talking about the concept of “I” and trying to find my inner self. Chapter three mentions how two disciplines from arts and science are printed in my body. Chapter four is the section that I try to describe my opinions about “choreography” by taking the pieces I made in the graduate production as the examples. The last chapter is the conclusion of this thesis. Through this paper, I hope to find stronger ambition for the future through the understanding about myself.


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