

摘要 從自己對飲食的喜好做為切入點,希望展現食物給養身體的實質功能之外,喚起食慾的外在形色,以及生活的聯想,作為創作的主軸。如同美食節目裡,令人垂涎欲滴的食物斷面秀,及詳盡的製作流程,也能呼應我以食物現場作為創作的想像。 於是透過雕塑的方式形塑一個食品的樣貌。從日常生活中平凡無奇的(食物)中運用複合的材料去擬仿 還原一個「實物現場」。表現食物多變的特性與凝結瞬間保留當下的片刻狀態。將自身比為一位廚師或是食物製造的技術人員,成列產品,排序編號。透過不同呈現方式去吸引消費者(觀眾)對食物的重視與認同。像遊戲一般,讓觀者主觀的判斷它的真假定義。希望是在一種幽默、詼諧的方式,去討論食物背後,所能喚醒、連結的生命關係。 第一章說明以食物造型為題材的源由。第二章探討食物(實物)現場的理論、背景,試以文學與藝術家之間的異同做說明。第三章講述如何將食物(實物)於現場中產生變化。檢視創作脈絡。第四章介紹作品展呈與技法運用。 關鍵詞:食物 還原 現場


食物 還原 現場


Abstract It all initiated from my affection for food culinary arts. My main vision comes from the crave to awaken the potential of food; so that food itself isn’t just limited by its primary functionalities- such as providing nutrition for the human race, but having it associate with the viewers lives and let the viewers experience a well proceeded live culinary art show. Hence, through the method of sculpting a food’s appearance, I use vastly different materials and methods to magically recreate a lasting banquet by mimicking food we see daily and take advantage of. The piece showcases many characters of food and it freezes the moment before the food’s being consumed. I progressively imagine myself as a chef or culinary artist, displaying and organizing plates of food, wanting to use different methods of displaying to attract the viewer’s affirmation towards culinary arts. I wish to convey with humor and let the viewers decide the food’s existence just like a game. Keyword: Food , Desplay , Scene


Food Desplay Scene


食物無罪 揭穿營養學神話,找回吃的樂趣 原作─麥可•波倫(Michael Pollan) 譯者─曾育慧 平安叢書
模仿物與擬像(SIMULACRES ET SIMULATION)原作─尚•布希亞(Jean Baudrillard)譯者─洪凌 文化叢書153
飲食文化概論(第二版) 作者:張玉欣、楊秀萍 楊智出版社
美味詐欺黑心食品三百年 Bee Wilson─著 周繼嵐─譯 八旗文化

