  • 學位論文


A Study of the Taiwan Grand Shrine during the Period of Japanese Rule to the Ritual Artifacts and Offerings

指導教授 : 黃士娟


日治時代初期,臺灣總督府對當時臺灣的寺廟及宗教,採自由放任的政策,並積極利用臺灣民間對鄭成功之信仰,透過宗教活動來表達友好行為,以淡化抗日的民族意識;同時為教化與思想管理為目的,推廣臺灣人民認同以天皇為中心之意識,將日本神道思想帶入臺灣。北白川宮能久親王在接收臺灣後病逝異鄉,日本政府為宣揚國家神道及紀念能久親王之功績,決定興建臺灣神社,以供奉能久親王及象徵開疆闢土之開拓三神為祭祀神。 臺灣神社舉行鎮座式之際,內外官紳紛紛進獻各種文物。之後,隨著各重要活動之舉行,奉獻的文物與日俱增,其中又以與神道淵源最具代表性的伊勢神宮,將每二十年一次的式年遷宮所撤下之神寶,轉贈臺灣神社,顯現出臺灣神社在當時於神道之重要性。也因為其所受到之重視,經過時代變遷,相關文物留存紀錄與保存較多,且最為完整。 本文以此為研究主題,搭配整理分析當時的文物與實地調查目前留存現況,為研究方法的主要架構。除了可從文物性質探究之外,相關紀錄的奉獻品、奉獻者、神社相關人士,已從文獻中比對出身份背景,而能更清楚的分析出臺灣神社與皇室貴族、地方仕紳、商會之間的交流情形;隨著相關《臺灣神社誌》與《臺灣日日新報》的紀錄整理發現,每年例祭的奉獻物品,也會因為經濟繁榮與面臨戰爭等因素而有所影響,由此更能將臺灣神社的歷史背景與當時民間的關聯,明確的解析出來。 經由以上的整理,從祭典文物與奉獻品的性質、奉獻者背景等蛛絲馬跡,探究出臺灣神社的殖民地位與國家象徵性,相關奉獻物除了宣揚日本神道的基本精神,還具有深刻顯現皇威的濃厚氣息。更印證日本想要藉由宗教力量,讓臺灣人民循序漸進產生認同與順從的象徵印象,希望此論文藉由從奉獻品的歸納解析,對於臺灣神社有更完整的認識。


In the early days of Japanese rule, the Office of the Governor-General of Taiwan adopted a laissez-faire approach to Taiwan’s religions and temples. Moreover, it took advantage of the veneration of Koxinga among Taiwanese commoners to communicate goodwill through religious activity and dilute anti-Japanese sentiment. Through the goals of education and ideological management, the concept of the Japanese emperor’s centrality was likewise promoted among the Taiwanese, and simultaneously, the Shinto thought was introduced in Taiwan. When Prince Kitashirakawa Yoshihisa died from an illness following from his takeover of Taiwan, the Japanese government decided to build a shrine in Taiwan to spread Shinto and commemorate the achievements of the prince. The prince would be worshipped in the shrine alongside the three deities of land cultivation (Kaitaku Sanjin) that symbolized the expansion of the national territory. Officials and members of the gentry at home and abroad presented various types of ceremonial objects as gifts during the opening ceremony held for the Taiwan Grand Shrine. Thereafter, the number of ceremonial objects offered to the shrine increased as many important events that were held there over time. In particular, the shrine with the most representative ties to Shinto, the Ise Grand Shrine, contributed ceremonial objects that were taken down every twenty years during its rebuilding (Shikinen Sengu) to the Taiwan Grand Shrine, which shows the significance of the Taiwan Grand Shrine to Shinto at that time. Moreover, because of its prominence, a large number of ceremonial objects and related records have been preserved there through the years; in fact they even form the most complete collection. This paper takes such a subject matter and organizes and analyzes the artifacts from that time and performs a field investigation of the current state of their preservation. These two methods form the framework of research. In addition to studying the nature of the artifacts, the statuses and backgrounds of the offerings, offerors, and people with relationships to the shrine that are mentioned in the related records are discerned through an examination of the literature. The interactions between the Taiwan Grand Shrine and the imperial family, the aristocracy, the local gentry, and the commercial associations can thus be better understood. Through the organization of relevant documents within the Taiwan Grand Shrine Record and the Taiwan Nichinichi Shinpo, it is apparent that the offerings for the annual ceremony have been affected by factors such as the economic prosperity and imminent war. This enables us to make explicit connections between the historical background of the Taiwan Grand Shrine and the lives of the commoners of that time. The Taiwan Grand Shrine’s status in the colonial structure and national symbolism can be determined through the above-described organization and analysis from clues in the nature of the ceremonial objects and offerings, as well as the background of those who presented the offerings. These offerings not only promoted the fundamental beliefs of Japanese Shinto but were also a distinct display of imperial power. They also evidenced Japan’s desire to utilize religion to cultivate a symbolic concept that would gradually inspire identification and obedience among the Taiwanese. It is believed that this paper, through the summary and analysis of the offerings, can offer a more complete understanding of the Taiwan Grand Shrine.


 2007 《桃園縣忠烈祠文史導覽手冊(3)─道法自然》、桃園縣:桃園縣政府文化局。
 1916 《臺灣神社誌》第一版、臺灣神社社務所編。
 1921 《臺灣神社誌》第二版、臺灣神社社務所編。
