

中 文 摘 要 本論述以創作者懷孕生子之身體經驗為主軸,內容敘述孕育生命之身體與心理經驗與創作之間的關係。以「異漾」為創作命題,以此探究懷孕生子之身體經驗與心理狀態、宇宙萬物等之間的關聯,並審閱自我創作的形式與內容,以釐清個人內在思考的脈絡。 本論述共四章,第一章為緒論,包括研究動機、研究目的、研究內容與研究範圍。主要界定研究的命題,並說明懷孕生子與創作的關係。 第二章「 身體意識與創作」,探討懷孕生子期間異於以往的身體感知狀態與自我身體意識,與因此而發展出的陰性書寫創作形態,並解析「異漾」系列作品風格生成的原因。第三章「創作形式與內容」章針對個人三個系列作品裡的形式與內容,包含作品的聯結、實驗過程、創作手法、版畫與蠟等媒材進行描述與分析。第四章「結論」,總結創作歷程,並進行作品延伸可能性的省思。


孕生 懷孕 身體


Abstract This study focuses on the author’s physical experiences during my pregnancy, and describes the relationship between an expecting woman’s physical and mental changes and how they relate to art creation. The theme of the study is “Ripples of Variation” which investigates the attendant physical and spiritual changes and how those experiences inspire a connection with the universe and living things. The author reflects on these inspirations and experiences to format the recipe for creation of art. This study covers four chapters. The first is the introduction which mainly explains the connection between the various stages in pregnancy and art creation and includes the motives, objects, and study content. The second chapter reflects on the “body consciousness and art creation” it discusses the author’s self experiences and consciousness to explore difference as the physical body changes. As such the artwork tends toward the feminine in its style of production. That is the basis for the series of art works in the “Ripple of Variation” in the third chapter. The format and recipe of art creation”for the three series includes the connection between the artwork, the experimental process, art presentation, board painting, and the use of wax materials to describe and analyze those artworks. The fourth chapter concludes with the process of art creation as well as to reflect on the author’s works to provide some possible inspiration for future development.


procreation pregnancy body wax circle


吳心怡,〈血染空白的一頁:從文學�藝術作品中的「血」的意象談女性的創造力〉《中外文學》27 卷10 期,1999/3
蕭嫣嫣,<我書故我在—論西蘇的陰性書寫>,《中外文學》24 卷11 期:1996/4,
Foucault, Michel (劉北城、楊遠櫻譯)《規訓與懲罰》,上海,生活•讀書•新知三聯書店,2003

