  • 學位論文

「大同」世界的愛- 從當代視覺藝術對同性戀愛情觀之研究

Love in Cosmopolitism- The Concept Study of Homosexuality from Contemporary Visual Art

指導教授 : 黎志文


此論文主要論述當代同性戀藝術家的創作背景與理念。本文探討自希臘時代起,歷經文藝復興、現代時期與當代時期同性戀藝術家的創作,以及上述各時期的時代背景與著名的藝術家的創作理論念,試圖探討當代藝術家的歷史定位與未來方向。 「大同世界」出自禮記的禮運大同篇,擷取大同世界原本篇章的意涵,強調一種和諧的,無紛爭的意涵,而此論述更賦予大同世界的「大」有「彰顯的」、「不再躲藏」的意義,「同」指的就是同性戀,而本論文以論述男同志為限,女同志與雙性戀者不在此範圍。 並探討作者之作品與自我追求「大同」世界的關係,並從大學時期(1996~1999)至研究所時期(2006-2008)的作品,論述個人創作與情感的關連,主要探討創作中的同志感情與生活的體認,並結合各種藝術形式,例如文學,設計與雕塑,試圖從各種藝術找尋新的藝術創作理念,同志藝術家內心的情感,與社會道德賦予個人的壓力。最後引申至個人創作的當代藝術潮流的定義,亦期待個人的力量能給予同志與異性戀者一種新的認識與體悟。 最後從70年代的「石牆事件」開始,探討當代同志運動與同志藝術的關連,引伸至個人創作的當代藝術潮流定義,亦期待個人的力量能給予同志與異性戀者一種新的認識與體悟。


同性戀 愛情


This thesis discusses homosexual artist’s creative background and notion in contemporary art. From Greece’, Renaissance, Modernism, to contemporary’. The thesis explores homosexual art works, discourses in above-mentioned era artist’s background and historic al development and future direction. “Cosmopolitism” was quoted from “Chapter of Cosmopolitism” in The Book of Rites, retrieving meaning from it, and to accentuate a kind of compassionate and discord world, to animate more denotations in Cosmopolitism: “Obvious” and “Concealment” and “Homosexuality” The discussion is focused on gay people and lesbian and bisexuality are not included. And then to discuss the relationship within individual art works and Cosmopolitism from the art works of my university period (1996-1999) to graduate school (2006-2008). The thesis is based on gay affections and awareness in activities of daily life. It also combines different art forms such as Literature, Design and Sculpture, attempting to find new creative notions, inner affections and pressures of social morality. Finally, I definition individual artistic creations and contemporary tendency, and expect the power of personality can afford gay and straight man a new kind of acquaintanceship and awareness. In the end, I will discuss the connections between contemporary gay movement and gay arts from the “Stone Wall Affairs” in the 70s to the definition of contemporary art trend in my perspective. Also I expect to give the readers a new viewpoint towards gay arts with my own strength.


Homosexuality Love


1. Generations and geographies in the visual arts/Feminist Reading, Edited by Griselda Pollock.
1.《女性主義與藝術歷史》:擴充論述/Norma Broude , Marry D Garrand 編;謝鴻均等譯.遠流出版社,1998 [民87]
2.《同性戀美學》:矛鋒著,揚智出版社, 1996[民85]
3.《女性笑聲的革命力量》:女性主義與當代藝術/Jo Anna Isaak著;陳淑珍譯.遠流出版社,2000[民89]
4.《化名奧林匹亞》/Eunice Lipton/著;陳品秀譯,


