  • 學位論文

影像、政治、主體:誰的聲音 -林儀芬創作詮釋

Image , Politics & the Subject:Whose voice it is - the Interpretation of I-Fen Lin's Creation

指導教授 : 張正仁


本篇論述的基本架構企圖詮釋從2008年到2009年這段期間由「教室裡的一張照片聯想計畫 」發展出探討影像、政治、主體間因權力關係在日常生活中所衍生成各種創作的可能性。 其創作進行的操作則綜合參與式藝術創作(participatory art)、田野調查(field study)法、問卷調查法、歷史影片的挪用等方式,逐漸發展而成。 此階段創作目標以反思自身的藝術創造除攝影靜照的創作思維、模式、媒材操作與表現之外,是否可能有更多元的發展 ?當我開始展開新類型公共藝術(new genre public art)的閱讀與參加社區營造藝術人才的培訓後,使我對藝術與社區的互動、藝術家的身分、公眾與藝術有了延伸的觸角。二來對社會政治議題的關注,使我認知多元文化社會的藝術創作,多數透過自身的改變才有相遇的可能。 論述的主軸以權力關係的脈絡展開,第一章就創作研究的動機、目的、議題、方法做整體性說明;第二章試圖藉由創作脈絡的檢視,反思創作形式的轉折與變異;第三章分析藝術創作的內涵與相關當代創作的研究;第四章說明作者於2008年至 2009年之間的作品內容、創作語彙與形式結構的應用;第五章作者透過藝術創作的歷程,實踐對社會政治的關懷。


First, this article is based on the intention to interpret “The associating plan from a photograph in the classroom. ” from 2008 to 2009 , then developing to explore the possible derivatives in creation from the power relationship among image, politics & the subject in the daily life. The research method includes participatory art , field study , questionnaires, diverted historical films . In this stage , the goal of creation is to think about the possible self development - the other multi - performance forms except still photographs the familiar media in which I have gotten used to present. After I started to read the new genre public art and joined the training of community artistic talents, the interaction between art and community, the identity of artists, and the public and art are displayed in different aspects to me. Moreover, due to the concern about political issues, I realize that only the change of artists makes the art creation of multi-culture society possible. The axis first expounds the power relationship: chapter 1 general descriptions of research motivation, goals, issues, & methods; chapter2 surveying the vein of creation to find out change and variation; chapter 3 analyzing the content of creation and making a research of related contemporary creative works ; chapter 4 the statement of my creation from 2008 to2009 and my application of vocabulary of creation and form & structure ; chapter 5 recording my artistic creative procedure by which I put my concern about politics and society into practice. keywords:


2. 格蘭•凱斯特(Grant Kester)著,譯者:吳瑪悧、謝明學、梁錦鋆(2006)。《對話性創作:
20 John Berger, About looking (Nex York, Pantheon, 1980)
10.張煜麟《台灣監視器系統作為集體逃避自由的機制? - 一種自由主義的觀點》
