  • 學位論文


The Owner and the Facade of Shophouse in Taikokan

指導教授 : 黃士娟


大嵙崁街為桃園大溪老城區於1920年前之名稱,自清代發展為河港市街,日治時期蛻變為近代化地方城鎮。市街轉型的關鍵即是市區改正的實施,在臺灣境內一級城市陸續推展有成後,大嵙崁街堪稱首批經過正式公告市區改正計畫的地方市街;公部門完成街道拓寬與排水設施,各店屋業主則陸續投入沿街牌樓面的修築,營造符合新時代意象之街道景觀。    既有研究對於大嵙崁街的聚落、店屋之構成與牌樓面裝飾意義均有所涉及,但對營造牌樓的推手之一的業主,則較缺乏認識。本文以日治時期土地史料為實證,追溯大嵙崁街牌樓之創建業主,發現牌樓業主中既含地方家族、社會菁英,亦有市井經商的普羅百姓,共同參與了大嵙崁市街從傳統邁向近代化的歷程。藉由理解業主的社會經濟背景,深化牌樓面與地方發展歷史的關連性,更彰顯其保存於市街之意義與價值。


大嵙崁街 大溪 牌樓面 市區改正


Before 1920, Dasi Historic District in Taoyuan was known as Taikokan. It was developed into a river port and market during the Qing Dynasty, and later transformed into a modern town in the Japanese colonial period. The key to transforming a town is the implementation of urban planning. With the gradual emergence of first-tier cities in Taiwan, Taikokan became known as the first group of local towns to be approved by official urban planning measures. After public authorities widened streets and constructed drainage facilities, shop-house owners took it upon themselves to construct the facades lining the street, forming a streetscape that echoes the image of a new era.        There have been studies on the Taikokan regarding the settlement, structure and decorative significance of its shophouses. Yet, there is still a relative lack of understanding regarding the shophouse owners who were among the promoters of these facades. This study examines the history of the land during the Japanese colonial period to take a look at the constructors and owners of shophouse facades in Taikokan. The author discovered that these owners included local families, members of the social elite, and commoners who worked in the marketplaces. They had all contributed to transforming traditional Taikokan into a modern town. By understanding the socioeconomic background of these owners, we are able to gain a deeper understanding of the relationship between these archways and the history of this region's development. Through this approach, the significance and value of the facade preserved within the town are enriched.


Taikokan Dasi facade urban planning


1927 《臺灣商工名錄》。臺北:臺灣物產協會。
2010 《機會之庄─十九、二十世紀之際新竹關西地區之歷史變遷》。新竹縣:新竹縣政府文化局
2010a 《新修桃園縣志•人物志》。桃園市:桃園縣政府。
