  • 學位論文


《Shooting Tag》 - The Scalability and Relations of New Media

指導教授 : 袁廣鳴


數位媒體隨著科技進步不斷的演進其身,媒體藝術挾以多元媒材的優勢,其變化性以及內容的豐富性著實令人歎為觀止。就在影像隨著娛樂產業(電視、電影產業)的推波助瀾之下影響了普羅大眾之際,傳統音樂、戲劇、肢體等演出形式也隨之揉合了影像媒體作為表演的一部份。然而,藝術家很快就面臨了窘迫的局面,原先影像創作是以二維框架作為媒體訊息的載體,而平面化的影像無法帶給觀者更加沈浸的體驗。這個問題直到光學投影的發展改變了畫面成像的原理才有了進化的可能。 本文以作者自身的經驗出發,從影像跨界劇場的角度來論述影像媒介的轉變之於其角色定位的曖昧關係,同時也透過即時影像的表演性(VJing)做為探討數位影像表演藝術家在演出當下操作畫面構成的狀態。最後,再連結起光雕(Mapping)的特性,說明影像如何跳脫出格以進入立體的維度並延伸出角色的演出性。


Digital Media with advances in technology continue to evolve their body to the advantage of relying on pluralistic media art mediums, and its variability and the richness of the content is really amazing. However, artists were soon faced with a distress situation about the image is two-dimensional carrier framework as a media message, and the plane of the image can not give the viewer more immersive experience. Until change the development of projection technology only the principle of evolution possible. In this paper, the authors' own experience, and from the cross-border theater image perspective discusses the transformation of its media image Role affair, but also through the performance of real-time video (VJing) as a digital video Discussion performing artists show the current state of the operation screen configuration. Finally, the link from the LightScribe (Mapping) features, explain how to escape the image of line to enter the three-dimensional dimensions and extending the role of the show.


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